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www.vincihousewares.com | 888.735.3621 | support@vincihousewares.com
The beverage is weak in flavor
The unit in running but no
water is circulating
Water is overflowing from the
Carafe when brewing
Water is leaking from the
top of the Filter Basket when
The beverage is strong in flavor
Excessive grounds or sediment
in the beverage
The Brew button is not
The unit will not run
1. The selected brew-strength
was too low.
2. Not enough coffee was added
to the Filter Basket.
3. The coffee grind is too fine.
4. Cold water was used.
1. The water level in the Carafe is too
2. The Water Pickup Tube is not
3. The Water Pickup Tube is damaged
or clogged.
4. The Filter Basket is overpacked with
5. The coffee grind is too fine.
1. The water level in the Carafe was
above the Fill Line
2. The Filter Basket is overpacked
with coffee.
3. The Coffee Grind is too fine.
1. The area around the O-Ring Seal of
the Filter Basket has some debris.
2. The Filter Basket is loose.
3. The Filter Basket is overpacked with
4. The coffee grind is too fine.
5. The Filter Basket O-Ring Seal is
damaged or missing.
1. The Control Knob is in the OFF
2. The Power Cord is not properly
connected to the Control Lid.
3. The Power Cord is not properly
connected to an electrical outlet.
4. The electrical outlet has no
1. The selected brew-strength
was too high.
2. Too much coffee was added to
the Filter Basket.
1. Grounds were present on the
outside of the filter basket.
2. Too fine of a coffee grind was
1. Select a higher brew-strength
2. Add additional coffee to the
Filter Basket without overfilling it.
3. Always use a medium to
coarse grind coffee.
4. Always use room temperature
1. Make sure the water level in the
Carafe is at the Fill Line.
2. Verify the Water Pickup Tube is
properly installed to the bottom of
the Control Lid.
3. Verify the Water Pickup Tube is
not clogged or damaged.
4. Do not overfill or compress the
coffee in the Filter Basket.
5. Always use medium to coarse
grind coffee.
6. The unit may require factory
service – Contact Vinci Housewares
1. Do not exceed the maximum
Fill Line when adding water to the
2. Do not overfill or compress the
coffee in the Filter Basket.
3. Always use medium to coarse
grind coffee.
1. Verify the exterior and the sealing
surfaces of the Filter Basket are free
from any debris before brewing .
2. Verify the Filter Basket is inserted
properly to the Control Lid and that
it is turned fully clockwise.
3. Do not overfill or compress the
coffee in the Filter Basket.
4. Always use a medium to coarse
grind coffee.
5. Contact Vinci Housewares support
to order a replacement O-Ring.
1. Rotate the Control Knob
clockwise to select the desired
2. Verify the Power Cord is fully
inserted into the Control Lid.
3. Verify the Power Cord is fully
inserted into the power outlet.
4. Try a different power outlet.
5. The unit may require
factory service – Contact Vinci
Housewares support
1. Select a lower brew-strength
2. Add less coffee to the Filter
3. Add water or other liquid to
the completed brew to dilute the
beverage to achieve your desired
strength and flavor.
1. Verify the exterior and the
sealing surfaces of the Filter
Basket are free from any debris
before brewing.
2. Use a coarser grind coffee.
If you think there may be an issue with your product, please contact customer support at 888-735-3621