CE-Link SR03KWL-SG1-US Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant pour la centrale électrique KWL-SG -US. J'ai lu attentivement le manuel d'utilisation et suis prêt à répondre à vos questions. Ce manuel couvre les fonctionnalités principales, les consignes de sécurité, les aspects liés à la charge et les informations sur les erreurs. Je suis là pour vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti de votre appareil.
  • Quel type de batterie est utilisé ?
    Quel équipement peut être connecté aux ports de sortie CA ?
    Comment puis-je savoir si l'appareil est en charge ?
User Manual
󽶳. SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US parameters
󽶹. Maintenance
󽶸. Whats in the box
󽶷. Error messages & solutions
󽶶. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
󽶵.󽶳 Product overview
󽶵.󽶴 LCD screen
󽶵.󽶵 Use
󽶵.󽶶 AC charging
󽶵.󽶷 PV charging
󽶵.󽶸 Car charging
󽶵.󽶹 Battery expansion
󽶵.󽶺 APP
󽶵.󽶻 UPS function
󽶵. Guideline for users
󽶴. Safety guidelines
󽶴.󽶳 Use
󽶴.󽶴 Discard
󽶳. SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US parameters 󽶴. Safety guidelines
Battery Expansion 󽶴󽶷󽶸󽶲Wh, support 󽶸 expansion battery packs at most,
separate selling.
Net weight
󽶴󽶷󽶸󽶲Wh, 󽶷󽶳.󽶴V
AC input power
AC input voltage
PV charge
Car charging input
󽶳󽶺󽶲󽶲W Max., 󽶳󽶷A
󽶳󽶴V/󽶴󽶶V battery supported, 󽶺A by default
󽶳󽶲󽶲-󽶳󽶴󽶲V~ 󽶷󽶲Hz/󽶸󽶲Hz
󽶳󽶵-󽶶󽶷V 󽶳󽶴A, 󽶺󽶲󽶲W Max.
Cell Type
Life cycle
Protection type
lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO )
remaining capacity still over 󽶺󽶲% after 󽶵,󽶸󽶲󽶲 cycles
over temperature protection, low temperature protection,
over discharge protection, over charge protection, over load
protection, short circuit protection, over current protection
Operating temperature
Optimal operating temperature
Discharge ambient temperature
Charge ambient temperature
Storage ambient temperature
-󽶴󽶲~󽶶󽶷 (󽶴󽶲~󽶵󽶲 preferred)
*Whether the product can be charged or discharged is subject to the actual battery pack temperature.
AC output x󽶶
Maximum load
USB-A quick chargex2)
Car charger
DC5521 output x2
AC output (x󽶵): 󽶳󽶲󽶲-󽶳󽶴󽶲V~ (󽶷󽶲/󽶸󽶲Hz), 󽶴󽶲A 󽶴󽶶󽶲󽶲W
AC output (x󽶳): 󽶳󽶲󽶲-󽶳󽶴󽶲V~ (󽶷󽶲/󽶸󽶲Hz), 󽶴󽶷A 󽶵󽶲󽶲󽶲W
AC output (bypass mode): 󽶳󽶲󽶲-󽶳󽶴󽶲V~ (󽶷󽶲/󽶸󽶲Hz) 󽶳󽶷A 󽶳󽶺󽶲󽶲W
󽶷V 󽶴.󽶶A (constant voltage),󽶳󽶴W Max./output
5/9/12/󽶳󽶷V 󽶵A 󽶴󽶲V 󽶷A (constant voltage),󽶳󽶲󽶲W Max./output
󽶵󽶲󽶲󽶲W, bypass mode󽶳󽶺󽶲󽶲W
USB-A (x󽶴)
USB-C (x󽶴)
󽶷V 󽶵A 󽶻V 󽶴A 󽶳󽶴V 󽶳.󽶷A (constant voltage),
󽶳󽶺W Max./output
󽶳󽶴.󽶸V 󽶳󽶲A, 󽶳󽶴󽶸W Max.
* Car charge and DC󽶷󽶷󽶴󽶳 share power, 󽶳󽶴󽶸W Max.
󽶳󽶴.󽶸V 󽶵A
1. 󽶳. Ne laissez pas un SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US fonctionnel être proche de la source de chaleur, comme le feu ou le chauffage.
2. N’entrez pas en contact SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US avec un liquide.
3. N’utilisez pas SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US dans un environnement électrostatique ou à fort champ magnétique.
4. Ne démontez pas le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US de quelque manière que ce soit et ne le percez pas avec un objet tranchant.
5. Ne court-circuitez pas le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US avec un fil ou d'autres objets métalliques.
6. N'utilisez pas de pièces ou d'accessoires d'origine. Pour le remplacement de pièces ou d'accessoires, veuillez visiter le canal de
vente officiel pour obtenir des informations sur l'achat.
7. Lorsque vous utilisez SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US , veuillez suivre strictement la température de fonctionnement définie dans ce manuel dutilisation.
Si la température est trop élevée, la batterie peut prendre feu ou même exploser. Si la température est trop basse, les performances du
SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US seront sérieusement compromises, même une utilisation normale sera affectée.
8. N’empilez pas d’objets lourds sur SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US .
9. N'arrêtez pas le ventilateur de force et n'exposez pas le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US dans un environnement non ventilé ou poussiéreux lorsqu'il fonctionne.
󽶳󽶲. Veuillez éviter les collisions, les chutes et les vibrations violentes. En cas d’impact grave, coupez immédiatement l’alimentation.
Veuillez fixer fermement le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US pendant le transport pour éviter les vibrations et les chocs.
󽶳󽶳.Si le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US tombe accidentellement dans l’eau, placez-le dans un endroit sûr et large et éloignez-vous jusqu’à ce qu’il soit sec. Le
produit séché ne doit pas être réutilisé. Éliminez-le correctement conformément au chapitre 󽶴.󽶴 du présent manuel dutilisation. Si le
SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US est en feu, veuillez utiliser l’équipement d’extinction d’incendie dans l’ordre recommandé : eau ou brouillard d’eau, sable,
couverture anti-feu, poudre sèche, extincteur au dioxyde de carbone.
󽶳󽶴.S’il y a de la saleté, utilisez un chiffon sec pour l’essuyer.
󽶳󽶵. Placez le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US avec précaution pour éviter tout dommage. Si le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US est renversé et gravement endommagé,
éteignez immédiatement le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US et placez la batterie dans un endroit spacieux et gardez-la à l’écart des matériaux et des personnes
inflammables, et mettez-la au rebut conformément aux exigences des lois et réglementations locales.
󽶳󽶶. Gardez SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US hors de la portée des enfants et des animaux domestiques.
󽶳󽶷. Conservez le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US dans un endroit sec et ventilé.
󽶳󽶸. En milieu humide (bord de mer, eau, etc.), il est recommandé d’équiper le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US dun sac résistant à l’humidité. Si de l’eau est
trouvée à l’intérieur du produit, ne pas l’utiliser/recommencer. Veuillez prendre des contre-mesures pour éviter les chocs électriques avant
de toucher SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US . Placez-le dans un espace ouvert sûr et étanche et contactez immédiatement le service client.
󽶳󽶹.Il n’est pas recommandé dutiliser SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US pour alimenter l’équipement médical d’urgence lié à la sécurité, y compris, mais sans sy
limiter, l’appareil respiratoire de qualité médicale (version hospitalière CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), le poumon artificiel
(ECMO, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation). Il peut être utilisé pour alimenter la version domestique CPAP à domicile et ne nécessite
pas de surveillance professionnelle continue. Veuillez suivre les conseils de votre médecin et consulter le fabricant pour toute restriction
sur l’utilisation de l’appareil. Pour l’équipement médical général, veuillez faire attention à l’état de puissance pour vous assurer que le
courant ne s’épuise pas.
󽶳󽶺. Les alimentations génèrent inévitablement des champs électromagnétiques lors de son utilisation, ce qui pourrait affecter le dispositif
médical implantable ou le fonctionnement normal du dispositif médical personnel, tels que les stimulateurs cardiaques, les implants
cochléaires, Les appareils auditifs, les défibrillateurs, etc. Si l’un de ces dispositifs médicaux est utilisé, veuillez consulter le fabricant pour
connaître les restrictions d’utilisation afin de vous assurer que le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US est utilisé à une distance sécuritaire des dispositifs médicaux
implantés tels que les stimulateurs cardiaques, les implants cochléaires, le sida auditif, les défibrillateurs, etc.
󽶳󽶻. Lorsque la centrale électrique est connectée à un réfrigérateur, elle peut s'arrêter automatiquement en raison de la propriété de
fluctuation de puissance du réfrigérateur. Lors de la connexion de l’alimentation à un réfrigérateur qui stocke des médicaments, des
vaccins ou d’autres objets de valeur, il est recommandé de régler la sortie AC sur « Jamais éteint » dans l’APP, afin d’assurer une
alimentation continue. Les utilisateurs doivent faire attention à la consommation dénergie.
󽶳. Si les conditions le permettent, assurez-vous de décharger complètement la batterie, puis placez le SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US dans le bac de recyclage
de la batterie spécifié. SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US contient des batteries, qui sont dangereuses. Il est strictement interdit de les jeter dans les poubelles
ordinaires. Pour plus de détails, suivez les lois et réglementations locales sur le recyclage et l’élimination des piles.
󽶴. Si la batterie ne peut pas être complètement déchargée en raison d’une défaillance du produit, ne jetez pas la batterie directement
dans le bac de recyclage de la batterie. Contactez une entreprise professionnelle de recyclage de piles pour une élimination plus
󽶵. La batterie ne démarre pas après une décharge excessive. Veuillez vous en débarrasser tel qu’il a été jeté.
2.1 Utilisation
2.2 Jeter
󽶵.󽶳 Product overview
Power in for battery expansion
Solar / car charge input x 󽶴
Ventilation opening
Quick charge / slow charge switch
Overload protection switch
AC input socket
DC󽶷󽶷󽶴󽶳 plug x 󽶴
Cigarette lighter
Anderson connector
Portable telescopic handle
󽶵.󽶳 Product overview
DC output ON/OFF
󽶵. Guideline for users 󽶵. Guideline for users
Ventilation opening
ON/OFF button
LCD button
USB-A output port x 󽶴
󽶴󽶷A AC output socket
AC output button
USB-C output port x 2
USB-A quick charge output x 󽶴
󽶴󽶲A AC output socket x 3
󽶵. Guideline for users
ŸPress the main power switch to turn on the device, then the screen will be lit and the main power indicator
will enter the breathing light mode.
ŸIf no operation is performed to SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US for 󽶷 minutes, SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US will enter hibernation state
and the LCD will automatically turn off. When there is load change or operation to SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US, the LCD
screen will be automatically lit. Press the main power switch to turn on or turn off the LCD.
ŸPress and hold the main power switch will turn off SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US.
ŸThe default standby time is 󽶴 hours. If other output power switches are not turned on and not any loads are
connected, SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US will automatically shut down after 󽶴 hours. Standby time can be set on the APP.
On and off
󽶵.󽶴 LCD screen
󽶵.󽶵 Use
Fan status
Input power
Error code
Output power
Battery pack connected
Battery pack failure
PV charge
Quick charge
Slow charge
Car charge
Low temperature
Over temperature
DC output
USB-A output
USB-C output Wi-Fi connection status
AC output
battery percentage
Remaining charge /
discharge time
· After the main power is on, press the AC output power
switch to enable the AC output port. Press the AC output
power switch again to turn it off.
· The default standby time of the AC output is 󽶳 hour. After
󽶳 hour without any loads, the AC output power switch will
be automatically off.
· When the AC output is not in use, turn it off to save power
· After the main power switch is turned on, press the 󽶳󽶴V
DC output power switch to enable the DC output port.
· Press the 󽶳󽶴V DC output power switch again to turn it off.
· When the 󽶳󽶴V DC output power switch is turned on,
SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US does not shut down automatically.
USB output
󽶳󽶴V DC output
AC output
󽶵.󽶵 Use
Short press 󽶳󽶴V DC output power switch
Short press AC output power switch
󽶵. Guideline for users
· USB output is enabled by default after the
main power switch is turned on.
Battery capacity: When SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US is being charged, SOC icon will flicker.
Wi-Fi connection status: The flickering icon indicates that SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US is ready for pairing. The icon will
keep flickering if a mobile phone and SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US are connected by hotspot. After network connection
succeeds, the icon will always be on. If connection fails, the icon will be off.
* Please refer to clause 󽶷 for more details regarding error message.
Short press to turn on
Long press to turn off
Quick charging technology is designed for AC charging. You can control the charging power via the AC
charging speed switch. The slow charge mode is on by default when SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US is turned on, and can
be switched to quick charge mode by the button. Quick and slow charging mode switching can also be set by
APP. If the current is continuously higher than 󽶴󽶲A, the charging input port will start the self-protection
function, and the charging overload protection switch will automatically trip. Press the charge overload
protection switch to restore charging after confirming no fault.
Quick charge enabled
Fully charged in
less than 󽶴 hours
AC wire
󽶵.󽶶 AC charging
Users can use solar panels to charge SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US as shown in the picture.
󽶵.󽶷 PV charging
󽶵.󽶸 Car charging
*Solar charging cable (DC󽶹󽶻󽶲󽶻)
SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US can be charged by a car charging port. It should be charged after the car starts, so as to
avoid the car battery loss and failure to start. At the same time, ensure good connection between the car
charging port and cigarette lighter. We take no responsibilities for any loss caused by improper operation.
Dual solar panels supported.
The charging power range can be adjusted by APP.
󽶵. Guideline for users 󽶵. Guideline for users
Quick charge and slow charge can be switched by the button.
· Please follow the user manual to connect the solar panels.
· Before connecting the solar panel, check whether its output voltage is within SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US
specifications to avoid damage to SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US.
Please use the standard AC charging Cable for fast charging. AC Charging Cable should directly plug into 󽶳󽶷A (or
above) wall-mounted socket. We take no responsibilities for any damage caused by using unofficial AC charging
cable, and other failures to follow instructions.
󽶵.󽶹 Battery expansion
SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US supports connection with 󽶸 expansion battery packs at the same time for larger capacity.
Please refer to the user manual of battery pack for details.
󽶳. Before connecting the battery pack, please make sure both SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US and battery pack are off.
󽶴. After the battery pack is connected, check if battery icon is shown in the displays of both SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US
and battery pack.
󽶵. While in charging, please do not connect or remove the battery pack. If connection or need to connect or
remove it, turn off SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US prior to operation.
󽶶. Please do not touch the metal terminals. If there is foreign matter on the metal terminals, clean it with a dry
cloth gently and carefully.
Scenarios of battery pack connection
Scenario 󽶴
3After parallelization, press power button of power station to enable the power station and
battery pack to show current capacity. The power station shows the paralleled quantity, and
capacity is expanded.
Turn off the power station and expansion battery pack.
2Plug one end of cable #󽶳 to expansion port of power station, the other end to Power Output of
battery pack #󽶳. Plug one end of cable #󽶴 to Power Input of battery pack #󽶳, the other end to
Power Output of battery pack #󽶴. Plug one end of cable #󽶵 to Power Input of battery pack #󽶴,
the other end to Power Output of battery pack #󽶵. 󽶸 battery packs can be parallelized at most.
After parallelization, connect ports of the power station for charging or discharging (refer to
clause 󽶵.󽶵, 󽶵.󽶶, 󽶵.󽶷 and 󽶵.󽶸).
3After parallelization, press power button of the power station to enable the power station
and battery packs to show current capacity. The power station shows the paralleled quantity,
and capacity is expanded.
󽶵. Guideline for users 󽶵. Guideline for users
Plug one end of the cable to expansion port of power station, the other end to Power Output of
battery pack.
1Turn off the power station and expansion battery packs.
4After parallelization, connect ports of the power station for charging or discharging (refer to
clause 󽶵.󽶵, 󽶵.󽶶, 󽶵.󽶷 and 󽶵.󽶸).
Scenario 󽶳
There are + and ‒ symbols on battery packs and cables in case of reverse polarities.
There are + and ‒ symbols on battery packs and cables in case of reverse polarities.
power station
battery pack
+ +
Powe r Input Powe r Outpu t
- -
+ -
+ +
Powe r Input Powe r Outpu t
power station
battery pack #󽶴
battery pack #󽶵
battery pack #󽶳
- -
+ -
You can control and view information and data about this product by App.
󽶵.󽶺 APP
3.9 UPS function
This product supports the UPS function. When you connect the electrical appliance with SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US by
AC cable, the output enables the appliance to work. In such case, power is from grid instead of battery. When
power grid is off, the power station can switch to battery-supplying mode within 󽶳󽶶mS. Such function is
unprofessional UPS, which does not support switch in 󽶲mS, so do not connect it to equipment with strict UPS
requirement, such as data server and workstation or please confirm compatibility after tests, and suggest only
use one device instead of multiple devices at the same time so as not to cause overload to the power station.
We shall not be liable for abnormal work or data loss arising from operation not following this user manual.
electrical appliance
11 12
󽶵. Guideline for users
1. What kind of battery is used?
Lithiumironphosphatebattery (LiFePO ).
4. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
2. What equipment can be connected to the AC output ports?
The AC output has high rating power and maximum power, which enables it to supply power to
most householdappliances. Suggest check the equipment power prior to connecting and make
sure power of all equipment lower than rated power.
3. How to know the supply time?
Time shows in the LCD, which can be referred to for estimation for equipment with stable
power consumption.
4. How to know it is charging?
When in charge, the LCD shows remaining charging time. The SOC flickers, and input power is
5. How to clean the unit?
Clean the unit with a dry, soft and clean cloth or tissue.
6. How to store the unit?
Turn it off, and keep it in a dry and ventilated place. Do not expose it close to water. For long-term
storage, suggest discharge to 0% and charge to 100% every 3 months to extend the service life.
7. Can it be taken on board?
󽶷. Error messages & solutions
If none of the above information can solve problem you encounter, please contact the customer service for consultation.
Icon Fault Description Solution
Fan stop
Discharge soft start fault
Auto recover after fault is cleared.
Charge soft start fault
Anderson hardware OCP fault
Anderson software OCP fault Turn off output,
manual recover after fault is cleared.
PV hardware OCP fault
PV󽶳 software OCP fault
Remove PV charge, auto recover
after connecting PV and turn on.
Stop PV󽶳 charging, auto recover
after connecting PV and turn on.
PV󽶴 software OCP fault Stop PV󽶴 charging, auto recover
after connecting PV and turn on.
Car charge output OCP fault Turn off output,
manual recover after fault is cleared.
PV output OVP
(over voltage protection) fault Stop PV. Auto recover after fault is cleared.
PV󽶳 input OVP fault Stop PV󽶳. Auto recover after fault is cleared.
PV󽶴 input OVP fault
Anderson OTP fault
Stop PV󽶴. Auto recover after fault is cleared.
PV󽶳 OTP fault Stop PV󽶳. Auto recover after fault is cleared.
PV󽶴 OTP fault Stop PV󽶴. Auto recover after fault is cleared.
Car charge output OTP fault
Abnormal communication Turn on and off, or change operation environment.
Contact after sales if still not fixed.
Abnormal USB
Abnormal type C Auto recover after removing
abnormal type C.
Error code always on
Low temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
Remove PV charge, auto recover
after connecting PV and turn on.
Turn off output,
manual recover after fault is cleared.
Turn off output,
manual recover after fault is cleared.
Auto recover after removing abnormal USB.
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
󽶷. Error messages & solutions
USB icon flickers
Error code always on
Type C icon flickers
Error code always on
13 14
Turn on and off,
contact after sales if still not fixed.
Turn on and off,
contact after sales if still not fixed.
If there is a warning occurs during the use of this product, and the warning icon still does not disappear after restarting the device,
please stop using it immediately (do not try to charge or discharge).
Icon Fault Description Solution
Serious battery fault
ΔV too big Auto shutdown,
fault will be cleared after reboot.
BMS voltage fault
Battery OTP (over
temperature protection) fault
Battery UTP (under
temperature protection) fault
OCP (over current
protection) fault
Auto shutdown, temperature recovery
enables starting up.
Auto shutdown,
fault will be cleared after reboot.
OTP fault
Pre-charge fault
Auto shutdown, delayed start.
Auto shutdown,
fault will be cleared after reboot.
Battery under voltage fault Auto shutdown and charge, contact after sales
if still not fixed after multiple charging failures.
Abnormal parallelization
Check the connection cable.
Contact after sales if still not fixed.
Single power station function is not affected.
Abnormal INV battery voltage Auto recover after fault is cleared.
Grid voltage or frequency fault The fault is cleared
when the grid returns to normal.
Abnormal INV BUS voltage
Abnormal INV output
Auto recover after fault is cleared.
INV discharge overload Remove over-power device.
Auto recover after fault is cleared.
Charge overload
Auto recover after fault is cleared.
Battery short
Fault will be cleared after reboot.
INV output short
MOSFET OTP fault Auto recover after product is cooled down.
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
Low temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
Error code always on
Overload icon always on
Error code always on
Overload icon always on
Error code always on
High temperature icon flickers
Error code always on
Turn on and off,
contact after sales if still not fixed.
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
Error code always on
󽶸. Whats in the box
Car battery jumper cable User manual
Car charge cable
AC cable
Before using the power station SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US, please read this user manual to ensure
understanding and proper use. After reading the user manual, please keep it well for future
reference. Improper operation may cause serious injury to yourself or others, or result in
product damage and property loss. Once using SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US, you are deemed to have
understood and accepted all terms and contents herein. Users promise to be responsible for
their actions and all consequences arising therefrom. We shall not be liable for any loss arising
from user’s not following this user manual.
In compliance with laws and regulations, the company reserves the right of final interpretation
of this document and all related documents of this product. Subject to update, revision or
termination without prior notice, please visit the official website for the latest product
Il est recommandé d’utiliser ou de stocker SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US à une température ambiante de 󽶴󽶲 à 󽶵󽶲 °C. Gardez-le loin de
l’eau, du chauffage et des pièces métalliques.
Pour le stockage à long terme, charger et décharger tous les 󽶵 mois, i.e. décharge à 󽶲% puis charge à 󽶳󽶲󽶲%.
Pour des raisons de sécurité, ne stockez pas SR󽶲󽶵KWL-SG󽶳-US à une température supérieure à 󽶶󽶷 °C ou inférieure à -󽶳󽶲 °C.
Si la capacité est inférieure à 󽶳%, veuillez facturer à 󽶸󽶲%. Le stockage à long terme avec une grave pénurie d’électricité causera
des dommages irréversibles à la cellule et raccourcira la durée de vie du produit.
Si la capacité est sérieusement insuffisante et que le temps d’inactivité est trop long, le produit passe en mode veille
prolongée et ne peut être utilisé qu’après avoir été chargé.
7. Entretien
ISED Statement
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation , Science and Economic
Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1.This device may not cause interference.
2.This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The devicecan be used in portable exposure
condition without restriction.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables auxappareils radio exempts de licence. L'
exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'
appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter
toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.
L'appareil a été évalué pour répondre aux exigences générales d'exposition aux RF. L'
appareil peut être utilisé dans des conditions d'exposition portable sans restriction.
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1)This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequence energy and,if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.if this equipmemt does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an autlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is conne
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The devicecan be used in
portable exposure condition without restriction.
This equipment should be installed and operated with a minumum distance of 20 cm between the
radiator and your body.