Emac NLA1138 Manuel utilisateur

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General Features
Material: Aluminum
Length: 8ft2in / 2,5 m.l.
Dimensions (h):
1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 9/16”, 11/16”, 3/4”,
7/8”, 1”, 1’1/16”, 1’3/16”
3, 4.5, 6, 8, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30 mm
Packaging: 50 u./box
Finishes: Anodized/lacquered/natural aluminium
Novosuelo/Novopared Aluminum is a prole designed to protect edges of ceramic installations.
It can also be installed as a ooring separator or countertop nish among others.
Technical Features and tests
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6063 (AA y ASTM)
L-3441 (UNE 38-301-89)
Fire resistance: M0 (UNE 23-727-90)
Abrasion resistance: High
Lightfastness: Excellent
Appearance and color: EN 12373-1
Prole with simple lines made of aluminium, intended to be installed
as an edge protector, ooring separator, countertop nish... It can
be installed with oor or wall tiles between 3 and 30 mm width.
Available in lacquered and anodized trendy nishes or in natural
Novosuelo/novopared aluminium is a prole made by extrusion of aluminum. Anodizing improves the
corrosion resistance, mechanical resistance and appearance of proles. It has the quality seal Quala-
nod, which guarantees the quality of the process and the resulting proles. This seal regulates several
tests: appearance and color, thickness measurements, sealing and impregnation control, abrasion re-
sistance, lightfastness, acetic saline chamber and nitric acid immersion.
The lacquered nishes have a high quality and homogeneus surface. The lacquering has the quality
seal Qualicoat, which guarantees the quality of the process and the nal products.
The natural nish has no surface treatment so is less resistant to corrosion and scratching. It is not
recommended installing natural nishes without the application of an additional protection.
Aluminum has excellent chemical, physical and mechanical properties. It is lightweight, tough, ductile,
malleable and highly durable
Novosuelo/ Novopared Aluminium
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1. Tile one of the sides of the wall to be tiled. Then, spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the
other side.
2. Place the Novosuelo/Novopared on the corner and press to let the thin-set mortar pass through
the holes of the anchoring wing.Coloque el Novosuelo/Novopared sobre el ángulo y presione para
que el material de agarre pase a través de los agujeros mecanizados del ala de jación.
3. Place tiles along the anchoring wing and then press them softly to get an optimal adhesion.
4. Continue tiling until the installation is nished
5. Clean the possible leftover and let dry.
1 2 3 4 5
4 5
Cleaning and maintenance
To visualize the video, capture
this image with your mobile
(QR code reader software is
required) or just click on it.
1. Spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the surface to be tiled.
2. Then, place the prole and press it to let the thin-set mortar pass through the holes on the anchoring
3. Place a tile on the anchoring wing of the prole and press to get an optimal contact with the thin-
set mortar.
4. Repeat the previous step placing tiles along the prole until the installation is nished. Before
curing, tap with a rubber hammer to align the prole with the pavement.
5. Finally clean the leftover material and let dry.
6. * If you are going to polish the ooring, you must install the prole slightly below the tile to avoid possible damages.
To visualize the video, capture
this image with your mobile
(QR code reader software is
required) or just click on it.
The product must be cleaned periodically with a soft cloth. If you use a neutral liquid cleaner, you must
rinse the prole with cold water and dry it to remove the humidity excess. The persistent dirtiness can
be removed by using cleaning approved agents lightly abrasive or a grid covered with polished powder
Steel wool, abrasive cleaners, souring products as well as strong acids (hydrochloric and
perchloric),strong bases (caustic soda or ammonia) or carbonated solutions are not recommended.
Citric acid is neither recommended because disolves the protective layer of the surface of aluminium.
Waxes, petrolatum, lanolin or similar substances are not appropriate. Solvents containing haloalkanes
(hydrouoroether and chlorinated solvents) and curing accelerators containing chlorides should not be
used (use special accelerators free of chlorides).
Technical Information
You can nd out more information about the technical features of Emac®’s products by downloading
their Technical File from www.emac.es.
If you have any query please contact our Technical Department in tecnico@emac.es
The data provided are only for information and have been obtained by our supplier or Emac®.
Does not constitute legal guarantee in terms of properties and / or functionality of the application of material
Emac Complementos S.L. (Spain) info@emac.es // Emac America L.L.C. (FL,USA) sales@emac.es // Emac Italia S.R.L. (Italy) info@emac-italia.it
Novosuelo/ Novopared Aluminum
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Indoors Wall tiling Flooring