SPX FLOW ProSeries Livewell/Batwell Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant. J'ai lu le manuel d'utilisation de la pompe d'aération de vivier/bacs à appâts Pro Series 1600 GPH. Le document détaille les instructions d'installation, le fonctionnement et les caractéristiques clés, comme sa capacité de 1600 GPH, son admission inférieure en bronze robuste et sa conception silencieuse. N'hésitez pas à me poser vos questions.
  • Pour quels types de liquides la pompe est-elle conçue ?
    Quel type de raccord est utilisé pour l'installation ?
    Que dois-je faire avant de mettre la pompe en marche ?
Pro Series Livewell/Baitwell Aerator Pump
1600 GPH, 12V/24V
52277 R01 (06/2021)
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EN: For more information about our worldwide locations,
approvals, certifications, and local representatives, please
visit www.spxflow.com. SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to
incorporate our latest design and material changes without
notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction
and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided
for your information only and should not be relied upon unless
confirmed in writing.
DE: Für weitere Informationen über unsere weltweiten Standorte,
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Konstruktive Ausgestaltungen, Werkstoffe sowie Maßangaben,
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FR: Pour plus d’information sur nos succursales internationales,
nos approbations, nos certifications et nos représentants locaux,
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visite www.spxflow.com. SPX FLOW, Inc. se reserva el derecho
de incorporar nuestro diseño más reciente y cambios materiales
sin necesidad de notificación previa u obligación de ningún
tipo. Características de diseño, materiales de construcción y
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usados como referencia a menos que sean confirmados por
IT: Per ottenere maggiori informazioni sulle nostre sedi nel
mondo, autorizzazioni, certificazioni, e rappresentanti locali, potete
visitare il sito www.spxflow.com. La SPX FLOW, Inc. si riserva il
diritto di apportare cambiamenti ai propri design e materiali senza
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costruzione e i dati dimensionali, così come descritti nel presente
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oggetto di obbligazione salvo autorizzazione confermata per
Installation Instructions
Important: Read before attempting Installation
The SPX Flow Johnson Pump Marine 1600 GPH
Livewell/Baitwell Pump has been designed for pumping
water in a marine environment. The pump is not to be
used for pumping any other liquids other than water/
seawater. Pumping other liquids can result in personal
damage/injury and/or property damage.
The Livewell/Baitwell pumps are designed to simply
install into any valve fitting with 1" NPT Male threads
The pump may not be used for other liquids than
Always install the pump according to the wiring
Always use the fuse required per pump label
The wire connections must be sealed with a marine
Insulation or cable sheathings must be placed above
the highest water level
Do not run dry for extended periods
Please follow the installation instructions carefully to
ensure maximum efficiency in your Livewell/Baitwell
pump operation.
1) Pump should be installed below the water line to
ensure a flooded suction to the pump.
2) Install a 1" seacock below the waterline in your boat.
Warning: Failure to install a seacock may subject your
vessel to flooding.
3) Install a thru hull pickup with a filter grate to reduce
or eliminate debris from entering the seacock and
ultimately your Livewell/Baitwell pump.
4) Install your seacock and Livewell/Baitwell pump using
pipe tape sealant such as Teflon tape on all threaded
5) Attach Teflon tape or pipe tape sealant to a 1" NPT
nipple that will screw on to your Livewell/Baitwell
pump on one side and the other side to your 1"
Part No. Description Capacity
Capacity 3 ft
(0.9 m) straight
16004B Pro Series Aerator Pump
1600 GPH 12V
1600 GPH 1550 GPH 7 A 10 A 1⅛" and 1¼"
Pro Series Aerator Pump
1600 GPH 24V
1600 GPH 1550 GPH 3.5 A 6 A 1⅛" and 1¼"
* Replacement for Pro Series (not including bronze base) 16004-00 12V Heavy Duty Bilge Pump,
16084-0024V Heavy Duty Bilge Pump
Part No. Description
10606-00 1⅛" Threaded Discharge Port 1600 GPH/2200 GPH
10607-00 1¼" Threaded Discharge Port 1600 GPH/2200 GPH
Features heavy duty bronze bottominlet, 1600 GPH of pumping power, dual port capability, mega
torque motor, double all bearings, quiet running design, 1" NPT female intake. Built for the serious
The Livewell/Baitwell pump is equipped with 1-1/8"
or 1-1/4" Barbed ports. The port threads into the
discharge area of the pump. Make sure to apply thread
sealant to the port threads. Tighten port until port is
bottomed out with pump body. If the Livewell/Baitwell
pump is to be mounted in a horizontal position, make
sure the discharge is pointing in an upward position to
allow air to vent.
Pump Operation:
1) Open your seacock to let in water and allow the
pump to be flooded.
2) **Important** Make sure that when water has entered
the pump that there are NO Leaks coming from the
intake or discharge of the pump. It is critical to check
and make sure there is no water leaking from any part
of the pump during installation and operation of the
3) Turn your Livewell/Baitwell pump “On”
4) Your tank should fill up until water comes out of the
overflow pipe
5) The pump will continuously exchange water as long
as it is on.
6) Turn off pump when you are done fishing and are
ready to drain your tank.
7) Close the seacock when pump/system is not being
used. Never leave your boat for extended periods of
time without closing the seacock.
Optional Washdown Port
Your Livewell/Baitwell pump also has a port to be
used for attaching a washdown pump. Remove the
½ NPT plug from Livewell/Baitwell pump side port
and attach your washdown pump. Make sure to use
sealant. Make sure that seacock is open before turning
on your washdown pump to ensure supply of water to
washdown pump. Close seacock valve after you are
done with using your washdown pump.
When this product carried a CE mark, it conforms
with the following standards: ISO 8846: 1990/electrical
Devices – Protection Against Ignition of Surrounding
Flammable Gases
Assembled in USA
Made by SPX FLOW Johnson Pump®
52277 R01 ISSUED 06/2021 COPYRIGHT © 2021 SPX FLOW INC.
Customer Service & Support - Johnson Pump Marine
SE +46 19 21 83 10
johnson-pump.marine@spxfl ow.com
US +1 847 671-7867
jp-customerservice@spxfl ow.com
AUS +61 03 9589 9222
ft.aus.cs@spxfl ow.com
For more information about our worldwide locations, approvals, certifi cations,
and local representatives, visit Johnson Pump - Marine at www.spxfl ow.com
SPX FLOW, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material
changes without notice or obligation.
Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in
this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon
unless confi rmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for
product availability in your region. For more information visit www.spxfl ow.com.
The green “ and “ ” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc.
Pro Series
Aerator Pump
1600 GPH,