13 Original instructionsAquaT Silent Electric marine toilet- Instruction manual
Whenever your craft is unattended, even if only for a very short period of
time, both seacocks (even if secondary valves are fitted) MUST be shut.
Ensure that ALL users understand how to operate the toilet system cor-
rectly and safely, including seacocks and secondary valves.
Take special care to instruct children, the elderly and visitors
Absolutely shut seacocks!
Using the toilet
Control panel
The panel controls the rinse and the discharge, by two buttons.
• Button 1, One function, discharge and rinse.
• Button 2, Two functions, Rinse toilet OR discharge toilet.
First use
1. Open inlet and outlet seacocks (and secondary valves if fitted)
2. Use control panel as described above.
3. Do not put anything in the toilet unless it has not pasted through
your body, except toilet paper.
Normal Use
Open inlet and outlet seacocks (and secondary valves if fitted).
1. Before use, ensure that there is enough water in the bowl to prevent
the toilet paper becoming compacted at the bottom of the bowl.
2. If the bowl is empty, flush the toilet with button 2 “Flush".
3. Use good quality soft household toilet paper, but do not use more
than necessary.
4. After use, flush the toilet with button 1.
Afterwards, flush the toilet until the bowl is empty, Always leave the bowl
empty to minimize odour and spillage
After use:
• Shut both seacocks
NOTE: Do not put any of the following into the toilet: Sanitary Towels,
Wet Strength Tissues, Cotton Wool, Cigarettes, Matches, Chewing
Gum or any solid objects, Petrol, Diesel, Oil, Solvents of any kind or
water more than hand warm.
A regular flushing with clean (sea)-water represents one of the most effec-
tive methods to keep the toilet clean and good smelling.
• To clean the bowl, use any liquid or cream ceramic cleaner
• To clean the rest of the toilet, including the seat and lid, use a non-
abrasive liquid cleaner Polish with a dry cloth only.
• To disinfect the toilet, use a liquid disinfectant diluted in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. It is possible to apply it to all
parts of the toilet using a sponge or soft brush as necessary.
• After applying any cleaning or disinfecting agent, always flush well.
• Do not use abrasive pads on any part of the toilet and do not use
cream cleaners except for the bowl.
• Do not use thick liquid toilet cleansers or neat bleach because they
may damage the valves, gaskets and seals.
Maintenance instructions
SPX FLOW Johnson Pump AquaT Silent Electric marine toilets normally do
not require maintenance during the season, provided that they are winter-
ized in the autumn and overhauled in the spring.
However, any toilet will benefit from:
Thorough flushing (refer to the operating instructions for normal use).
HAZARD RISK LEAKS: If the toilet is connected to any through-hull fit-
tings, and if the toilet or the pipework develops a minor leak, this leak can
suddenly become a bigger leak which will allow water to flood in, causing
the craft to sink, with subsequent loss of property and life.
Therefore, in case any leak develops, repair it immediately! Moreover, regu-
larly inspect all fastenings to check tightness and leaks.
Preparation for winterization
SPX FLOW Johnson Pump AquaT Silent Electric marine toilets marine
toilets are design to be simple to service; therefore no special skills are
needed, as well as no special tools are required.
• Flush the toilet according to the operating instructions for normal
use and particularly ensure that all waste has left the discharge
pipework, that the bowl is empty and that both seacocks are closed
(even though secondary valves are fitted)
• Mop-up any water which might come out of the system
Drain the complete system both as a protection against frost damage and
to avoid the growth in the pipework of bacteria that could cause unpleas-
ant smells. Make sure that the discharge pump as well as the rinse pump is
empty from water because of the risk of freezing during the winter.
Seacocks opened by mistake. In case you leave the toilet disassembled
and if the sea cocks are opened when the boat is afloat, water will flood in
by causing the sinking of the boat and the possible loss of life. Therefore, it
is indispensable to attach a warning notice to the seacocks and, if possible,
wire the seacocks shut.
Remember to attach warning notices!
The use of anti-freeze is not recommended, as it is not possible to en-
sure that the product penetrates the whole toilet system If, for any reason,
an anti-freeze compound is employed it will have to be a glycol based one.
• Open any secondary valve.
• Loosen hose clips and disconnect all the hose ends from the sea
cock hose tails, the hose toilet tails, and any secondary valves.
• Use button 1 to drain the toilet pump and ensure that all water is
properly drained from the toilet system.
• Reconnect all hose ends and secure them with their hose clips.
Button 1
Button 2
Wire size per feet and meter of run
Voltage Fuse
0'-10' 10'-15' 15'-25' 25'-40' 40'-60'
0m-3m 3m-4,6m 4,6m-7,6m 7,6m-12,2m 12,2m-18,3m
12V 25A #14 #14 #12 #10 #8
2,5 mm22,5 mm24 mm26 mm210 mm2
24V 20A #14 #14 #14 #14 #12
2,5 mm22,5 mm22,5 mm22,5 mm24 mm2