To adjust the grind, rotate the grind dial to the
back of the machine to go coarser, or rotate
the dial towards the front of the machine to go
finer or slide the dot on the screen to the left for
a finer grind or to the right for a coarser grind.
The smaller the value shown on screen, the
finer the grind size. The larger the value shown
on screen, the coarser the grind size.
• When making changes to the grind size, the
new auto dosing time will be calculated after
your next tamp and updated for the dose
cycle following that. The dose amount is
calculated and stored automatically. Two to
three extractions may be required to calibrate
the extraction.
• For most bean varieties, the grinder will
pause the grind operation when coee beans
ran out.
Extracting Espresso
• As a guide, the espresso will start to flow
after - seconds (infusion time) and should
bethe consistency of dripping honey.
• If the espresso starts to flow before seconds
you have either under dosed the filter basket
and/or the grind is too coarse. This is an
• If the espresso starts to drip but doesn’t flow
after seconds, then you have either over
dosed the filter basket and/or the grind is too
fine. This is an OVER-EXTRACTED shot.
A great espresso is about achieving the perfect
balance between sweetness, acidity, and
The flavor of your coee will depend on many
factors, such as the type of coee beans, degree
of roast, freshness, coarseness or fineness of the
grind, and the dose of ground coee.
Experiment by adjusting these factors just one
at a time to achieve the taste of your preference.
Adding A New Drink
When customizing a default drink, tap the
disk icon on the upper right of the screen to
rename and save newly created coee settings.
Name the new drink with a maximum of
characters. Every created drink is saved to the
start of the drink carousel.
Editing Or Deleting A Saved Drink
Select the name of the saved drink and tap and
hold the coee image for three seconds and
select either ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ from the screen.
Press ‘Yes’ to confirm or ‘No, cancel’ to return
tothe drink carousel screen.