LI-COR Pearl Accessories Le manuel du propriétaire

  • Bonjour ! Je suis votre assistant d'IA et je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions concernant les accessoires Pearl décrits dans ce document. Ce manuel fournit des informations sur la station d'accueil Pearl 5700-DS et la boîte propre Pearl 9300-022, notamment leur assemblage, leur fonctionnement, leur entretien et leurs spécifications. Vous y trouverez également des informations sur le filtrage HEPA, le contrôle de la température et l'utilisation de gaz anesthésiques.
  • Quelles sont les conditions de fonctionnement de la station d'accueil ?
    Quels systèmes d'anesthésie sont compatibles avec la station d'accueil ?
    Comment entretenir la fenêtre de la boîte propre ?
Pearl® Trilogy
Accessories Manual
CE Marking:
This product (model number 5700-DS) is a CE-marked product. For conformity information, contact LI-COR
Support at Outside of the U.S., contact your local sales office or
Notes on Safety
LI-COR products have been designed to be safe when operated in the manner described in this manual. The
safety of this product cannot be guaranteed if the product is used in any other way than is specified in this
manual. The Pearl® Docking Station and Pearl Clean Box is intended to be used by qualified personnel. Read
this entire manual before using the Pearl Docking Station and Pearl Clean Box.
Equipment Markings:
The product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the
manual or accompanying documents in order to protect against damage to the product.
The product is marked with this symbol when a hazardous voltage may be present.
Manual Markings:
WARNING Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
CAUTION Cautions must be observed to avoid damaging your equipment.
NOTE Notes contain additional information and useful tips.
IMPORTANT Information of importance to prevent procedural mistakes in the operation of the
equipment or related software. Failure to comply may result in a poor experimental
outcome but will not cause bodily injury or equipment damage.
Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested
and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC
rules, which are designed to provide a reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a
commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in
which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to
correct the interference.
Page iii
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. LI-COR MAKES NO
LI-COR shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part
of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without prior written
consent of LI-COR, Inc.
Printing History
Publication Number 977-19833
Printed:February 2015
Revised:September 2021
LI-COR Biosciences is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. © 2021 LI-COR, Inc. Specifications subject to
change. LI-COR, Pearl, In-Cell Western, IRDye, Odyssey, and Image Studio are registered trademarks of LI-COR,
Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. The
Odyssey Infrared Imaging Systems and IRDye reagents are covered by U.S. patents, foreign equivalents, and
patents pending.
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Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
Description 1
Assembling the Pearl Docking Station 2
Docking Station Operation 6
Routine Maintenance 8
Docking Station Specifications 8
Chapter 2: Pearl Clean Box
Description 9
Installation 9
Connecting a HEPA Filter to the Docking Station 9
Connecting a HEPA Filter to the Pearl® Imager 10
Nose Cone Installation and Replacement 10
Sanitizing the Pearl Clean Box 11
Clean Box Operation 11
Maintenance of the Clean Box Window 12
Scratches 12
Smudging 12
Chemicals 13
Cleaning Procedure 13
Replacing Heater Plate Contact Pins 13
Pearl® Imager
Table of Contents
Page v
Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
Figure 1-1. Pearl Docking Station (left) with optional
Pearl Clean Box (mounted) and isoflurane vaporizer
(right) of the SmartFlow Anesthesia System.
The Pearl Docking Station is an optional,
external accessory that duplicates many of the
features of the Pearl®Imager imaging drawer.
The main features and functions of the Docking
Station are listed below.
lDuplicates the docking hardware in the Pearl
Imager imaging drawer, allowing an access-
ory imaging bed to be locked in place on the
docking station similar to the Pearl imaging
lProvides temperature and anesthesia gas con-
trol to a Pearl accessory imaging bed outside
of the Pearl Imager, allowing animals to be
prepared for imaging at an external station.
lWarms the heater plate in any of the Pearl
accessory imaging beds (when docked) to 38
°C so animals can be placed on warm ima-
ging beds before transfer to the Pearl Imager.
lProvides a rotameter, isoflurane scrubber,
and anesthesia gas flow system similar to the
Pearl Imager when an accessory imaging bed is locked in place on the docking station.
This chapter provides information on assembly and operation of the Pearl Docking Station only. The
remaining chapters provide specific operational details on each of the accessory imaging beds.
Information on the standard Pearl Imaging Bed is not provided in this manual since it can be found
in the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual.
Pearl® Imager
Page 1
Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
Assembling the Pearl Docking Station
WARNING: Isoflurane gas can leak in the amount supplied to the Pearl Imaging System
Docking Station if the product is not used properly. Carefully follow the instructions in this
chapter to ensure that the scavenging charcoal filter and user-supplied anesthesia system are
properly connected, and that the nose cone on the imaging bed has a nose cone plug inserted
when not in use.
L'anesthésie d'isoflurane peut fuir dans la quantité fournie à la station d'amarrage de Pearl si
le produit n'est pas employé correctement. Suivez soigneusement les instructions dans ce
chapitre pour vous assurer que le port d'échappement est relié à un filtre à charbon, que le
système d'anesthésie fourni par l'utilisateur est correctement relié, et que le cone de nez est
équipé d'un bouchon inséré.
1) Unpack the Pearl®Imaging System Docking Station and any other accessory imaging beds, such
as the Pearl Clean Box, so all parts are available for assembly.
2) Loosen the thumb nuts on the back of the rotameter stand. Orient the rotameter with tubing to
the back of the stand as shown below. Connect the rotameter to the rotameter stand by sliding
the rotameter over the mounting studs (similar to the Pearl Imaging System instrument) and tight-
ening the thumb nuts.
Figure 1-2. Docking station rotameter connects to the stand via two
thumb nuts with the rotameter oriented to the front of the stand.
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Pearl® Imager Accessories
3) Connect the tube from the port labeled “OUT” on the rotameter to the port labeled “IN” on the
back of the docking station. The gender of the connector prevents connection to the wrong port.
Figure 1-3. Docking station back panel.
4) Connect the tube from the port labeled “EXHAUST” on the rotameter to the port labeled “OUT”
on the back of the docking station.
5) If using the Pearl Clean Box, connect one of the provided HEPA filter assemblies (packaged with
the Clean Box) to the port labeled “IN” on the rotameter. The gender of the connector assures the
filter will be plugged-in in the correct orientation.
Figure 1-4. Docking station rotameter with HEPA
filter assembly installed between the IN port on the
rotameter and the anesthesia gas supply tube from
the vaporizer.
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Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
6) Connect one of the provided HEPAfilter assemblies between the SmartFlow system and the
Induction Chamber.
7) Connect the opposite end of the HEPA filter assembly to the provided anesthesia gas supply tube
and then connect the other end of the anesthesia gas supply tube to one of the output manifold
connectors on the SmartFlow Anesthesia System, or equivalent (Figure 1-5).
Note: For imaging beds not requiring a HEPA filter, connect the anesthesia gas supply tube dir-
ectly to the rotameter. For other vaporizers, it may be necessary to remove the connector that con-
nects to the SmartFlow System and replace it with an appropriate fitting.
CAUTION: The Pearl®ImagingSystem Docking Station is compatible only with anesthesia
systems that supply isoflurane gas. The flow rate and pressure into the instrument should not
exceed 1 liter per minute and 1 psi, respectively. If the pressure exceeds 5 psi, the rotameter
will not accurately show the flow to the nose cone.
La station d'amarrage de Pearl n'est compatible qu'avec les systèmes d'anesthésie qui
fournissent le gaz isoflurane. Le débit et la pression dans l'instrument ne devraient pas excéder
1 litre par minute et 6.9 kPa, respectivement. Si la pression excède l'estimation de 34.5 kPa, le
rotamètre ne montrera pas en juste proportion l'écoulement au cône de nez.
Figure 1-5. General representation of a typical system consisting of the docking station with the Pearl Imaging System
and SmartFlow Anesthesia System. Docking station rotameter (L) connects to optional HEPA filter assembly (K) and
anesthesia gas supply tube (N) before connecting to a port on the SmartFlow Anesthesia System (C).
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Pearl® Imager Accessories
8) Hold the base of the rotameter stand and press the charcoal filter down onto the port labeled
“EXHAUST” on the exterior of the rotameter. Alternatively, connect a user-supplied charcoal filter
assembly to the EXHAUST port. Recommendations for monitoring and replacement of the char-
coal filter are given in Chapter 3 of the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual.
Figure 1-6. The included charcoal filter or a user supplied charcoal
filter presses onto the external output port on the docking station
9) Connect the power supply to a wall outlet and then to the back of the Pearl Docking Station.
Figure 1-7. Power connector on the docking station.
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Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
Docking Station Operation
1) Install a nose cone plug in the nose cone of the accessory imaging bed (Figure 1-8) and install the
imaging bed on the Pearl®ImagingSystem Docking Station. Lock the imaging bed in place using
the guide pins and locking handle as described in Chapter 2. Consult the appropriate chapter in
this manual for any additional instructions for the specific imaging bed you are using.
WARNING: Make sure a black nose cone plug is tightly inserted in the nose cone before
turning on the anesthesia gas. Failure to insert a nose cone plug will result in the release of
isoflurane gas.
Assurez-vous qu'un bouchon noir pour cone de nez est bien inséré dans chacun des cones de
nez avant de brancher le gaz anesthésiant. L'absence de bouchon peut provoquer une décharge
de gas.
Figure 1-8. Nose cone plug
inserted in a nose cone.
2) Press the power button on the docking station front panel (Figure 1-9).
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Pearl® Imager Accessories
Figure 1-9. Location and function of
front panel indicator lights.
Indicator Description
ON continuously when the docking station is powered on. OFF
when an error condition exists or the power supply is disconnected.
Blinks rapidly when heater plate is not within 1.5 °C of the 38 °C
set point.
ON continuously when heater plate is within 1.5 °C of the 38 °C
set point.
OFF when an imaging bed is not installed on the docking station
or there is an error condition.
ON continuously when the heater plate temperature is greater than
5 °C above set point (38 °C). The heater plate is automatically
turned OFF, but the indicator remains on. Disconnect the power
supply to turn off the red warning light and reset the temperature
controller. Connect the power supply again after the heater plate
has cooled.
Blinks slowly when the current to the heater plate is not correct.
This may indicate that the heater plate contact pins are dirty,
shorted (bent), or need replacement. See Chapter 5 of the Pearl
Imager Operator's Manual for the contact pin replacement
procedure. Contact LI-COR if the error condition persists after
contact pin replacement.
3) Wait for the heater plate to reach the set point (38 °C). The green “running” icon blinks rapidly
until the set point is reached and then stops blinking and remains on (Figure 1-9).
4) Use the adjustment knob on the rotameter to set the flow rate to 0.5 liters per minute (typical)
and start gas flow from isoflurane vaporizer or equivalent. Allow 1 minute to prime the system
with isoflurane gas. Observe the safety warnings given in Chapter 1 concerning use of isoflurane
gas and oxygen. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the anesthesia system to anes-
thetize mice.
CAUTION: To prevent pressure build up in the external anesthesia system, don’t close the
rotameter on the Pearl Docking Station unless the anesthesia system is properly vented.
Pour empêcher l'accumulation de pression dans le système externe d'anesthésie, ne fermez pas
le rotamètre sur la station d'amarrage de Pearl à moins que le système d'anesthésie soit
correctement aéré.
5) Move the mouse from the induction chamber to the imaging bed, remove the nose cone plug,
and slide the muzzle of the mouse into the nose cone. Complete instructions can be found in
Chapter 4 of the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual. Consult the appropriate chapter in this manual
for any additional instructions for the specific imaging bed you are using.
6) Lift the locking handle on the accessory imaging bed and remove it from the docking station.
Move the imaging bed immediately to the Pearl Imager for imaging.
Important: The flow of anesthesia gas stops after the imaging bed is unlocked from the docking
station and does not start again until the imaging bed is locked into the Pearl Imager imaging
drawer or returned to the docking station and locked in place.
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Chapter 1: Pearl Docking Station
7) After imaging, remove the accessory imaging bed, lock it back on the docking station, remove the
mouse to a recovery chamber, and re-insert the nose cone plug to stop the flow of anesthesia gas.
Turn off the flow of anesthesia gas after imaging the last mouse.
Routine Maintenance
The Pearl Docking Station requires only minimal maintenance. Disconnect power before servicing.
Clean the exterior case parts with cloth dampened with warm water. Do not submerge or power
wash. Inspect all cables and power cords for evidence of fraying, exposed wire, or loose connections.
Periodically inspect external tubing for cracking or damage that could cause leaks.
Docking Station Specifications
Docking Station Operating Conditions: For Indoor use only; operating temperature 15-35 °C, dew
point not greater than 20 °C, non-condensing. Storage temperature of -20 to 60 °C.
Power Requirements: 100-240 VAC; 47-63 Hz; 1 A at 100 VAC.
Power Input Connector: 5.5 × 2.5 mm, center positive.
External Power Supply Input connector: 3 Pin IEC 320 input receptacle.
Temperature Setting: 38 °C ± 1 °C.
Docking Station Dimensions: 5.0" H × 11.3" W × 9.3" D (12.7 × 28.7 × 23.6 cm).
Docking Station Weight: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg).
Rotameter Dimensions: 10.3" H × 5.0" W × 6.3" D (26.1 × 12.7 × 16 cm). Height with charcoal filter
is 16.5" (41.9 cm).
Rotameter Weight: 2.2 lbs (1.0 kg).
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Chapter 2: Pearl Clean Box
Figure 2-1. 9300-022 Pearl Clean Box.
The purpose of the Pearl Imager Clean Box is to
provide a HEPA-filtered closed environment for
mice requiring added protection from exposure
to pathogens.
The lower portion of the Clean Box is an
imaging bed with a heater plate similar to the
standard Pearl imaging bed. The heater plate can
be used to maintain the body temperature of the
mouse when the Clean Box is locked in place on
either the Pearl Imager or Pearl Docking Station.
The handle of the Clean Box is used to lock it in
place using the same “rotate down” method as
the standard imaging bed. When locked in place,
anesthesia gas will be supplied to the mouse via
the standard Pearl nose cone. HEPA filters are
provided for both the Pearl Imager and Pearl Docking Station to protect the mouse by filtering the
anesthesia gas. When the Clean Box is undocked, the gas ports automatically close.
The Pearl Clean Box window is a specially coated cell cast acrylic window for optimum light
transmission and durability. The coating on the exterior surface of the window will help minimize
smudging and scratching. The interior surface is coated to minimize scratches.
Important: Do not discard the clear protective cover for the Clean Box during unpacking. The cover
protects the imaging window of the Clean Box during storage and transfer from the Docking Station
to the Pearl Imager.
Installation consists of installing HEPA filters and installing a nose cone. The Clean Box should also
be sanitized before initial use as described later in this chapter.
Connecting a HEPA Filter to the Docking Station
When using the Pearl Clean Box, one of the included HEPA filter assemblies should be installed
between the anesthesia supply tube and the docking station rotameter as described in Assembling the
Pearl Docking Station on page2, Step #5).
Pearl® Imager
Page 9
Chapter 2: Pearl Clean Box
Connecting a HEPA Filter to the Pearl® Imager
Figure 2-2. HEPA filter connections on the Pearl Imager.
Use the procedure below to connect a HEPA filter
between the anesthesia gas supply line and the
Pearl Imager.
1) If necessary, disconnect the existing anesthesia
supply tube from the port labeled “IN” on the
rotameter of the Pearl Imager.
2) Connect one of the provided HEPA filter
assemblies (packaged with the Pearl Clean
Box) to the port labeled “IN” on the Pearl rot-
ameter. The gender of the connector assures
the filter will be in the correct orientation after
it is plugged in.
3) Connect the opposite end of the HEPA filter
assembly to the provided anesthesia supply
tube provided with the Pearl Imager.
Nose Cone Installation and Replacement
Nose cones are provided in the spare parts kit for the Pearl Clean Box. To install a nose cone, press
the new cone on to the black nose cone base (Figure 2-3). To prevent leaks, make sure the new nose
cone is fully seated and then install a nose cone plug (Figure 1-8).
Figure 2-3. Nose cone installation.
The nose cone may need to be replaced occasionally for sanitary or other reasons. New nose cones
can be purchased from LI-COR. The nose cone can be removed by grasping the tip and pulling it
straight off (parallel to the imaging bed surface) until the nose cone slips off its base.
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Pearl® Imager Accessories
Sanitizing the Pearl Clean Box
CAUTION: Do not sterilize the Pearl Clean Box in an autoclave.
Damage will result.
Ne stérilisez pas la boîte propre de Pearl dans un autoclave. Des endommages résulteront.
There are two considerations when sanitizing the Pearl Clean Box. The most important is to sanitize
the interior of the Clean Box to protect the health of the immunocompromised mouse. The second is
to keep the Clean Box window and imaging bed clear of any dirt, smudges, or foreign debris that
may be detected during infrared imaging.
Before cleaning, read Maintenance of the Clean Box Window on page12. For the initial cleaning,
use Heavy Duty Optical Wipes with a solution of 0.5% chlorine bleach . Clean the imaging bed
surface, interior surface of the Clean Box lid, and interior surface of the Clean Box window. Check
for smudges on the interior of the window. If necessary, perform a final cleaning using the LI-COR®
Optical Tissue. Smudges on the window could be visible in all images acquired using the Clean Box,
so clean thoroughly and carefully.
With infrared imaging, residue on the imaging bed surface from previous image acquisitions may be
visible in new image acquisitions. If necessary, between image acquisitions, clean just the imaging
bed surface with 0.5% chlorine bleach . Ethanol or isopropanol can be also used as a cleaning
solution for applications where chlorine bleach is not required. If necessary, clean any fingerprints or
smudges from the exterior surface of the window as described in Maintenance of the Clean Box
Window on page12.
CAUTION: Strong solvents, including DMSO, will permanently discolor the imaging bed
surface. Avoid all contact. In addition, any IRDye®products in DMSO will incorporate into
the surface of the imaging bed and will be visible in images.
Les dissolvants forts, y compris DMSO, décoloreront de manière permanente la surface du lit
d'image. Évitez tout contact. En outre, tous les produits d'IRDye dans DMSO incorporeront à
la surface du lit et seront évidents dans les images.
Whenever possible, inject the animal on a separate surgical bed and clean any exterior dye
product on the animal before transferring the animal onto the Pearl Imager Clean Box. In the
event that the Clean Box becomes contaminated with dye, wipe with Nair®hair remover and
thoroughly clean immediately and dry before use.
Clean Box Operation
1) Open the Clean Box and clean the imaging bed surface with 0.5% chlorine bleach as described
above. To open, swing the latch down 90° until horizontal, rotate 180° counter clockwise, and
swing the latch up before lifting the Clean Box lid.
2) Close the Clean Box, place the Clean Box on the Pearl Docking Station and lock it in place.
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Chapter 2: Pearl Clean Box
3) Turn on the docking station and wait for the heater plate to reach the temperature set point
(green “running” icon is ON constantly).
Note: Alternatively, the heater plate can be warmed by locking the Clean Box in the Pearl ima-
ging drawer until the set point temperature is reached (see the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual).
4) Make sure the nose cone plug is in place and start the flow of anesthesia gas as described in Dock-
ing Station Operation on page6. Observe all cautions for the use of isoflurane gas. Wait about a
minute for the system to be primed with isoflurane gas.
5) Unlatch and open the Clean Box lid, remove the nose cone plug, and place the plug in its holder.
Remove the mouse from the anesthesia induction chamber and slide the muzzle of the mouse
into the nose cone (see the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual). Make sure the surface is dry before pla-
cing a mouse on the imaging bed.
IMPORTANT: Observe the tail of the mouse and make certain the tail will not be pinched
between the Clean Box lid and imaging bed when the lid is closed.
6) Close and latch the Clean Box lid, then install the Clean Box cover on the Clean Box to prevent
touching the window or spotting the window with liquids.
7) If using the Pearl Docking Station, undock the Clean Box and move it to the Pearl Imager ima-
ging drawer and lock the Clean Box into the imaging drawer.
IMPORTANT: Move the Clean Box quickly. Anesthesia gas does not flow while the Clean
Box is undocked.
8) Remove the Clean Box cover to expose the window, close the imaging drawer, and acquire an
image as described in the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual.
9) After acquiring images, open the imaging drawer, undock the Clean Box and move it back to the
mouse holding facility or recovery chamber where the mouse can be removed.
10) When the imaging session is complete, replace the Clean Box cover to protect the Clean Box win-
dow during storage.
Maintenance of the Clean Box Window
Proper care and maintenance are important to preserve the optical characteristics of the Pearl Clean
Box window. The following instructions are recommended for the proper care of the window.
The window top and bottom surfaces are treated with a hard coating that aids in scratch prevention
under normal use. However, the window can still be scratched by dirt or other foreign objects.
Reasonable care should be taken to avoid scratching the window surfaces. Do not use paper towels or
similar products to clean the surfaces. Compressed, clean dry air is the preferred method of removing
foreign debris. If compressed air does not remove the debris, a soft lint-free optical cleaning tissue
should be used.
Due to the light transmission characteristics of the window, it will be very easy to see smudges on the
window surfaces. To help prevent smudging, the exterior surface of the window has an anti-smudge
coating. For optimal optical performance, the interior window surface does not have this coating.
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Pearl® Imager Accessories
Take extra care to avoid contact with the interior surface in order to prolong the lifetime of the
Chemicals such as chlorine bleach , ethanol, and isopropanol are NOT detrimental to the optical
properties of the window. CAUTION: The window CAN be damaged by chemicals such as
toluene, acetone, benzene, ethylene dichloride, and other highly acidic or alkaline reagents.
Cleaning Procedure
Dust particles are the most common contaminant. Compressed, clean dry air is recommended as a
first step in cleaning the Clean Box window since dust particles can become embedded in cleaning
cloths and scratch the surface.
Should compressed clean dry air prove insufficient, use LI-COR®Optical Tissue and LI-COR Optical
Cleaner. Apply a few drops to an optical tissue and gently clean the window with a circular motion.
Follow with a second dry tissue to remove any residual liquid or streaks.
For heavy duty cleaning of the window or entire Clean Box, use durable Heavy Duty Optical Wipes.
A final cleaning of the window surface using the LI-COR Premium Grade Optical Tissue, as discussed
above, may be required.
Each of the cleaning products mentioned above can be ordered as the Clean Box Cleaning Kit or
individually from LI-COR.
Replacing Heater Plate Contact Pins
Over time, the heater plate contact pins on the bottom of the imaging bed that mate with the
imaging drawer and docking station may wear or become bent and no longer function as intended.
Replacement of these pins is described in Chapter 5 of the Pearl Imager Operator's Manual.
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