Ring Base Station Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour ! Je suis votre assistant IA. J'ai lu le manuel d'utilisation de la station de base Ring et je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions. Ce document fournit des informations importantes sur la configuration de votre station de base, notamment le jumelage à l'application Ring, la connexion à votre réseau Wi-Fi ou Ethernet, l'intégration avec un réseau Z-Wave et les étapes de réinitialisation. N'hésitez pas à me poser toute question.
  • Comment jumeler ma station de base ?
    Comment connecter ma station de base à Internet ?
    Que fait la radio cellulaire de la station de base ?
Ring Base Station
Ring Base Station - Basic Setup
Ring Base station Inclusion
Adding device to a Z-Wave Network
Smart Start Inclusion Steps:
1. Initiate add device flow in the Ring Alarm mobile application Follow the guided add flow instructions provided in the application
2. Scan the QR code found on the package of the device or the QR code found on the back of the device
Classic Inclusion Steps:
1. Initiate add device flow in the Ring Alarm mobile application Follow the guided add flow instructions provided in the application
2. Select add manually
3. Select Z-wave and select Add
4. Enter learn mode on the joining device
Ring Base station Learn Mode
Adding Base station to a Z-Wave Network
Ring Base station can be added via classic inclusion mode
Classic Inclusion Steps:
1. Start inclusion mode on the primary controller
2. From the application’s UI, navigate to controller’s device setting screen -> select Advance options -> Select Z-wave from “Protocol
Adapters” and Select “Learn Mode” – DSK will be displayed (refer to the picture below)
3. Select “Begin Learn Mode” in the UI
4. When the inclusion process in complete, the LED on the base station will be solid blue
Note: Joining another Z-wave network via learn mode is available only when the base station is not already paired to any other
Ring Base station Exclusion
Removing a Base station to a Z-Wave Network
Exclusion Instructions:
1. Start exclusion mode on the primary controller
2. From the application’s UI, navigate to controller’s device setting screen -> select Advance options -> Select Z-wave from “Protocol
Adapters” and Select “Learn Mode” – DSK will be displayed
3. Select “Begin Learn Mode” in the UI
4. When the exclusion process in complete, the LED on the base station will be solid blue
Ring Base station Lifeline
This base station has Group 1 is the “Lifeline” group, which can hold one devices. Base station will send device reset locally
notification to this group.
Ring Base Station Reset
Factory Default Instructions
1. Launch Ring app (iOS or Android)
2. Navigate to Base Station Setting: Devices à Alarm Base Station à Tap on gear icon located on top right-hand corner
3. Navigate to Advanced Options à Z-Wave
4. Tap Reset Z-Wave Networkand Select “Reset
Warning: This process is irreversible. All your Z-Wave devices will be removed from your Base Station. You will have to manually
reset and re-add each device to rebuild your network.
Use this procedure only in the event that the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.