Oracle 7105393, Sun StorageTek SG-PCIEFCGBE-E8-N, Sun StorageTek SG-PCIEFCGBE-E8-Z, Sun StorageTek SG-XPCIEFCGBEE8-Z, Sun StorageTek SGXPCIEFCGBE-E8-N Guide d'installation

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StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA,
ExpressModule, Emulex Installation
N and 7105393
Part No: E20756-06
August 2018
StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-XPCIEFCGBE-E8-Z, SG-PCIEFCGBE-E8-Z, SG-XPCIEFCGBE-E8-
N, SG-PCIEFCGBE-E8-N and 7105393
Part No: E20756-06
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Référence: E20756-06
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Using This Documentation .................................................................................  7
1 HBA Overview ................................................................................................. 9
Kit Contents ...................................................................................................  9
HBA Features and Specifications .......................................................................  9
Operating System and Technology Requirements ................................................  11
System Interoperability ................................................................................... 12
Host Platform Support ............................................................................ 12
Storage Support ....................................................................................  13
Switch Support .....................................................................................  14
Software Support ................................................................................... 14
Boot Support ................................................................................................  15
Environmental Requirements ...........................................................................  15
2 Hardware Installation and Removal ..............................................................  17
Observing ESD and Handling Precautions .........................................................  17
Best Practices for Installing the HBA ................................................................ 18
General Best Practices ............................................................................ 18
Best Practices For Switches and Zoning ....................................................  19
Best Practices For Booting From SAN (BFS) Configurations ......................... 19
Best Practices For Testing the Environment ................................................ 20
Installing the Hardware ..................................................................................  20
To Install the HBA ...........................................................................  21
To Connect the Optical Cables ...........................................................  23
To Install the Ethernet Cables .............................................................  25
To Apply Power ..............................................................................  25
Testing the Installation ...................................................................................  28
To Verify Proper Installation (Oracle Solaris) ........................................  28
To Verify Attached Storage (Oracle Solaris) ..........................................  28
Configuring the HBA for Hot-Plug Operation ....................................................  29
To Configure the HBA for Hot-Plug Operation ......................................  29
Removing the Hardware .................................................................................  29
▼ To Prepare the HBA for Removal Using the HBA Attention Button ...........  30
To Prepare the HBA for Hot-Plug Removal (Oracle Solaris) .....................  30
To Remove the HBA Hardware ..........................................................  31
3 HBA Software Installation .............................................................................  33
Installing Utilities for Updating the BIOS and Firmware ....................................... 33
To Install Utilities for Updating the BIOS or Firmware: ...........................  34
Installing Diagnostic Software .........................................................................  34
Diagnostic Support for the Oracle Solaris OS .............................................  34
Diagnostic Support for All Other Supported Operating Systems .....................  35
Using the OneCommand Manager CLI for Troubleshooting a Fatal Error .........  36
Installing Drivers ........................................................................................... 36
Installing Drivers for the Oracle Solaris OS ...............................................  37
Installing Drivers for All Other Supported Operating Systems ................... 37
4 Known Issues ................................................................................................ 39
Server Compatibility Issues .............................................................................  39
Cannot Detect the HBA on the Sun Blade T6300 System .............................. 39
Cannot Verify the FCode Version of the HBA on the Sun Blade T6300 and
T6320 Systems .....................................................................................  40
Cannot Boot-From-SAN on the Sun Blade X6250 System ............................  40
HBA Fails to Properly Disconnect During a Hot-Plug Operation on a Sun
Blade T6320 System ..............................................................................  41
HBA Does Not Correctly Map Ethernet Settings on a Sun Blade X6250
System ................................................................................................. 41
On the Sun Blade X6275 System, Default HBA Settings Do Not Allow Boot-
From-SAN Through FC Ports ..................................................................  42
6 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
Using This Documentation
Overview – Describes how to install and remove the StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE
HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex
Audience – Technicians, system administrators, and authorized service providers
Required knowledge – Advanced experience troubleshooting and replacing hardware
Product Documentation Library
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Using This Documentation 7
8 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 1
HBA Overview
This chapter provides a basic overview of Oracle's StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE
ExpressModule HBA, which uses Emulex (now Broadcom) technology. This chapter
also describes the various operating systems, host platforms, storage, and infrastructure
configurations that support the HBA.
This chapter contains the following topics:
“Kit Contents” on page 9
“HBA Features and Specifications” on page 9
“Operating System and Technology Requirements” on page 11
“System Interoperability” on page 12“System Interoperability” on page 12
“Boot Support” on page 15
“Environmental Requirements” on page 15
Kit Contents
StorageTek Dual 8 Gb FC Dual GbE ExpressModule HBA, Emulex
Accessing Documentation document
HBA Features and Specifications
E8-Z, SG-XPCIEFCGBE-E8-N, SG-PCIEFCGBE-E8-N, and 7105393) consists of a single-
wide, ExpressModule bus expansion board. The board interfaces an eight-lane PCI-Express
bus, with four lanes supporting two Fibre Channel (FC) optical media ports and four lanes
supporting two UTP (copper) Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ports. The two independent FC ports
operate at 8 Gbit/second and feature 8/4/2 Gbit/second autonegotiation.
Chapter 1 • HBA Overview 9
HBA Features and Specifications
The HBA is also backward compatible with FC ports that operate at 4 and 2 Gbit/second. The
Gigabit Ethernet ports can be configured to operate in 10-, 100-, or 1000-Mbit/second Ethernet
See Table 1, “HBA Features and Specifications,” on page 10 for a list of the HBA features.
HBA Features and Specifications
Feature Description
PCI connector x8
PCI signaling environment PCI-Express x8 (8 active lanes)
PCI lane usage FC x4 lanes
GbE x4 lanes
PCI transfer rate (maximum) PCI-Express Generation Two (5 Gbit/second) x8
Number of FC ports Two
Number of devices supported 126 devices per FC loop; 510 devices in Fabric mode
FC bus type (external) Fiber-optic media, short-wave laser, multimode fiber (400‐M5- SN-S)
FC data rates 2.125, 4.25, 8.5 Gbit/second (auto-detected)
FC topologies Switched fabric (N_Port), arbitrated loop (NL_Port) and point-to-point (N_Port)
Number of GbE ports Two
GbE interface type (external) IEEE 802.3 compliant, copper, UTP RJ-45
GbE transfer rate 10/100/1000-Mbit/second per port, autosensing, full-duplex
RAM 1.5 MB, parity protected, per port
BIOS ROM (FC) One 4-MB flash ROM, field-programmable
BIOS ROM (GbE) One 1-MB flash ROM
External connectors Two Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) optics with LC-style connectors and two RJ-45 GbE
Maximum FC cable length 2 Gbit/second:
500 meters using 50/125 mm core OM3 fiber
300 meters using 50/125 mm core OM2 fiber
150 meters using 50/125 mm core OM1 fiber
150 meters using 62.5/125 mm core fiber
4 Gbit/second:
380 meters using 50/125 mm core OM3 fiber
150 meters using 50/125 mm core OM2 fiber
70 meters using 50/125 mm core OM1 fiber
10 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
Operating System and Technology Requirements
Feature Description
70 meters using 62.5/125 mm core fiber
8 Gbit/second:
150 meters using 50/125 mm core OM3 fiber
50 meters using 50/125 mm core OM2 fiber
21 meters using 62.5/125 mm core OM1 fiber
LED indicators and button Two LEDs per channel (yellow and green) on the front panel as status indicators
(Power LED, Attention LED) and a button on the front panel to support hot-swap functionality
Power dissipation 18.2 watts maximum
Form Factor PCI-Express ExpressModule, single-wide (198 mm x 112 mm x 21 mm)
Operating System and Technology Requirements
The HBA requires the operating system (OS) and technology levels listed in Table 2,
“Supported Operating System/Technology Versions (Minimum) ,” on page 11.
Note - If you need to contact Oracle Support, first verify that you have a supported OS installed
on the host system, and install the latest HBA driver, utility, and firmware versions. Updating
the system and HBA to the latest OS, driver, utility, and firmware versions might address the
issue, preventing the need to contact Oracle Support about an issue that has already been fixed.
Supported Operating System/Technology Versions (Minimum)
Operating System/Technology Supported Versions (minimum)
Oracle Solaris OS for the x86 (64-bit) platform Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 with patches 149176-02 and 145649-04, at minimum
Oracle Solaris 11.1 with SRU 7
To obtain the latest patches and SRUs, go to
Oracle Solaris OS for the SPARC (64-bit) platform Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 with patches 149175-02 and 145648-04, at minimum
Oracle Solaris 11.1 with SRU 7
To obtain the latest patches and SRUs, go to
Linux OS Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.9 (Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) and
Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) 2, at minimum)
Oracle Linux 6.4 (RHCK and UEK2, at minimum)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9 (64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows
OS Standard, Enterprise, and
Datacenter Editions
Window Server 2008 R2 including SP1 (64-bit)
Chapter 1 • HBA Overview 11
System Interoperability
Operating System/Technology Supported Versions (minimum)
Windows Server 2012
VMware Technology VMware ESX/ESXi 5.0
VMware ESX/ESXi 5.1
System Interoperability
This section provides information about selected platforms and storage that are compatible with
the heterogeneous FC network design of the HBA. This section contains the following topics:
“Host Platform Support” on page 12
“Storage Support” on page 13
“Switch Support ” on page 14
“Software Support” on page 14
Host Platform Support
The HBA is supported by the platforms and operating systems listed in Table 3, “Platform and
Operating System Support,” on page 12.For up-to-date information, see your server Product
Notes and web pages.
For supported operating system and technology versions, see Table 2, “Supported Operating
System/Technology Versions (Minimum) ,” on page 11.
Platform and Operating System Support
Platform Supported OS/Technology
Oracle Chassis
Sun Blade 6000 Oracle Solaris
Sun Blade 6048 Oracle Solaris
Oracle SPARC Servers
SPARC T4-1B Oracle Solaris
SPARC T4-4 Oracle Solaris
SPARC T5-1B Oracle Solaris
Sun Blade T6300 Oracle Solaris
Sun Blade T6320 Oracle Solaris
Sun Blade T6340 Oracle Solaris
Oracle x86 Servers
Sun Blade X3-2B Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
12 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
System Interoperability
Platform Supported OS/Technology
Sun Blade X4-2B Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6220 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6240 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6250 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6270 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6275 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Blade X6440
Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
Sun Server X2-8 Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
In order for the HBA to support this server, the BIOS version on the server must be later than version 1.17. For information about the
BIOS version installed on the server, go to the server web page.
The system must have an available ExpressModule slot in which you can install the HBA.
Storage Support
This section lists the arrays and tape storage supported by the HBA. This section contains the
following topics:
“Array Support” on page 13
“Tape Storage Support” on page 13
Array Support
The HBA supports connecting to, using a supported switch, the following arrays:
StorageTek 2540
StorageTek 6140
StorageTek 6540
StorageTek 6780
StorageTek 9970
StorageTek 9980/9985
StorageTek 9990
Tape Storage Support
The HBA supports connecting to, using a supported switch, the following tape storage:
StorageTek 9970 system
StorageTek 9980/9985/9985V system
Chapter 1 • HBA Overview 13
System Interoperability
StorageTek 9990/9900V system
StorageTek SL24 tape autoloader
StorageTek SL48 tape library
StorageTek L1400 tape library
StorageTek virtual tape library (VTL): VTL Value and VTL Plus
StorageTek SL500 modular library
StorageTek SL8500 modular library
StorageTek SL3000 modular library
IBM and HP LTO3 tape drives
IBM and HP LTO4 tape drives
StorageTek T10000A and T10000Btape drive
StorageTek T9840C tape drive
StorageTek T9840D tape drive
Switch Support
Note - For technical support issues with any switches, refer to the product documentation or
contact the switch manufacturer.
The HBA supports connecting to any 8 Gb/s Fibre Channel (FC) switch from any vendor that
follows standard FC specifications, with the following considerations:
Direct Access Storage for FC is supported with COMSTAR.
Note - This documentation lists switches that are specifically not supported by the HBA, when
The NIC portion of this adapter is supported by all 1-Gb Ethernet switches.
Software Support
The HBA is supported by the software applications listed in Table 4, “Software Support ,” on
page 14.
Software Support
Software (minimum version) Supported OS
Sun Cluster 3.x Oracle Solaris
14 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
Boot Support
Software (minimum version) Supported OS
Sun StorEdge Enterprise Backup Storage 7.2/7.3/7.4 Oracle Solaris
VERITAS NetBackup 5.1/6.x Oracle Solaris
VERITAS Software Foundation (VxSF) 4.1/5.0 Oracle Solaris
VERITAS Cluster 5.0 Oracle Solaris
VERITAS File System 5.0 Oracle Solaris
VERITAS Volume Manager VxVM 5.0 Oracle Solaris
Validation Test Suite (SunVTS) Oracle Solaris
FMA Oracle Solaris
HBAnyware management utility Oracle Solaris, Linux, VMware, and Windows
OneCommand Manager application Oracle Solaris, Linux, and Windows
AutoPilot Installer Windows
Boot Support
The HBA supports booting through the HBA in the following environments:
Oracle Solaris 10 01/13 for the x86 and SPARC environments
Oracle Solaris 11.1 for the x86 and SPARC environments
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) boot capable (for x86 systems)
RHEL 5.9 and 6.4
Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.9 and 6.4
VMware ESX/ESXi 5.0 and 5.1
Windows Server 2008 R2 including SP1
Windows Server 2012
Environmental Requirements
The HBA environmental requirements are listed in Table 5, “HBA Environmental
Requirements ,” on page 15.
HBA Environmental Requirements
Specification Operating Non-Operating
Temperature 0˚C to 40˚C, noncondensing -40˚C to 70˚C, noncondensing
Chapter 1 • HBA Overview 15
Environmental Requirements
Specification Operating Non-Operating
Humidity 10% to 90% relative humidity (RH),
93% RH, noncondensing, 38˚C max wet bulb
Altitude up to 3000 meters 12,000 meters
Vibration 0.20G in all axes, 5-500 Hz sine 1.0G in all axes, 5-500 Hz sine
Shock 5G, 11 ms half-sine 30G 11 ms half-sine
16 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 2
Hardware Installation and Removal
This chapter describes the tasks required to install and remove the HBA. Refer to your system
installation or service manual for detailed instructions.
This chapter contains the following topics:
“Observing ESD and Handling Precautions” on page 17
“Best Practices for Installing the HBA” on page 18
“Installing the Hardware” on page 20
“Configuring the HBA for Hot-Plug Operation” on page 29“Configuring the HBA for
Hot-Plug Operation” on page 29
“Removing the Hardware” on page 29
Observing ESD and Handling Precautions
Caution - Damage to the HBA can occur as the result of careless handling or electrostatic
discharge (ESD). Always handle the HBA with care to avoid damage to electrostatic sensitive
To minimize the possibility of ESD-related damage, use both a workstation antistatic mat and
an ESD wrist strap. You can get an ESD wrist strap from any reputable electronics store or
from Sun as part number 250-1007. Observe the following precautions to avoid ESD-related
Leave the HBA in its antistatic bag until you are ready to install it in the system.
Always use a properly fitted and grounded wrist strap or other suitable ESD protection
when handling the HBA, and observe proper ESD grounding techniques.
Hold the HBA by the edge of the metal canister, not by the connectors.
Place the HBA on a properly grounded antistatic work surface pad when it is out of its
protective antistatic bag.
Chapter 2 • Hardware Installation and Removal 17
Best Practices for Installing the HBA
Best Practices for Installing the HBA
Before installing the HBA into the system, review the best practices in this section to avoid
potential issues:
“General Best Practices” on page 18
“Best Practices For Switches and Zoning” on page 19
“Best Practices For Booting From SAN (BFS) Configurations” on page 19
“Best Practices For Testing the Environment” on page 20
General Best Practices
Follow these general best practices for installing and configuring the HBA:
Spread the I/O load amongst multiple HBAs and multiple ports to avoid bottlenecks and
promote higher availability.
Use fixed link speeds instead of auto-negotiation wherever possible. While the HBA
supports auto-negotiation, auto-negotiation slows things down in the event of a fabric
Do not configure both tape devices and disks on the same HBA port, even if using a switch
and zoning.
If more than one of a given HBA model is present in the configuration, enable only the
OpROM for the first HBA seen in the boot sequence. There is a limited amount of space for
OpROMs, so do not unnecessarily enable all OpROMs, as space usage issues might occur.
When installing the HBA, be sure to also install the latest version (version 11.1.218.x
or newer) of the command-line utility available from the manufacturer's website (See
“Installing Utilities for Updating the BIOS and Firmware” on page 33). Keep the HBA
utilities, firmware, and drivers up-to-date, and update them in that order.
After installing the OneCommand Manager CLI utility, ensure that the elxhbamgrd daemon
process is running (The OneCommand Manager utility starts this daemon process, by
default, upon installation.). In the event of a failure, the elxhbamgrd daemon produces a
usable firmware dump for troubleshooting. The location of dump files varies, based on your
operating system:
Windows: OneCommandManager-installation-directory\Util\Dump
Oracle Solaris: /opt/ELXocm/Dump
Linux: /var/log/emulex/ocmanager/Dump
Keep in mind that manual firmware dumps do not collect fatal firmware errors. If the
OneCommand Manager utility is installed and running, the HBA firmware detects a
18 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-
Best Practices for Installing the HBA
fatal error, and then notifies the HBA driver of the error. The driver then notifies the
OneCommand Manager utility (via the elxhbamgrd daemon process) to start the firmware
dump. This firmware dump starts automatically, and the dump file is stored in the default
dump location, based on your operating system.
Best Practices For Switches and Zoning
Follow these best practices for switches and zoning in your environment:
FC-SW configurations: check with the switch manufacturer for optimal configuration
recommendations, including zoning.
Note that FC-AL is not supported at 16Gb/s or faster. Use FC-P2P instead.
Use single initiator hard zoning to do the following:
Avoid Registered State Change Notification (RSCN) storms.
Shield devices from indiscriminate SCSI inquiries.
Provide security by avoiding inappropriate access.
Use meaningful names for zones, and document the entire configuration.
Use only FCP-2 (also called FC-TAPE or FCP Error Recovery) with tape and/or sequential
devices. While FCP-2 might not cause problems for hard disk drives (HDDs), FCP-2 is a
sequence-level error recovery mechanism that is irrelevant to HDDs.
If using FC tape backups, place tape ports and backup servers on the same FC switch to
avoid tying up inter-switch links (ISLs).
SAN switches can be a major source of disruption if you do not take extreme care with
respect to configuration. Do not perform updates to switch OSes and/or firmware, or enable
new features on SAN switches, until you have first tried the updated switches in a test
configuration. The HBA might not support newer switch features, and switch OS and/or
firmware updates might require changes to, and/or restoration of, switch configuration
Best Practices For Booting From SAN (BFS)
If you plan to install a Boot From SAN (BFS) HBA, follow these best practices:
Some devices and operating systems do not yet support UEFI-based BIOS and can boot
only from the Legacy BIOS boot mode. However, many servers with UEFI firmware allow
you to enable a legacy BIOS compatibility mode.
Chapter 2 • Hardware Installation and Removal 19
Installing the Hardware
Legacy BIOS issues - many tweaks and patches have been added over the years to resolve
various issues, and not all were done with the larger ecosystem (many different types of
servers, HBAs, OSes, and so on) in mind.
Secure Boot (a UEFI-specific feature) can help you control the boot process, preventing
unauthorized code from running.
Larger devices (>2TB) require the use of a GUID Partition Table (GPT) instead of a Master
Boot Record (MBR). GPT is the standard for EFI; it can be implemented in legacy BIOSes,
but it is more difficult to set up. So, while you might be able to boot from a >2TB device
in the legacy BIOS, it might not be seamless. If you are dual-booting with an OS that is
already installed in one mode or the other, however, it is good practice to boot in the same
boot mode as the one that is already in use.
Disable OpROM and BIOS for all HBA cards except the one connected to the boot device.
When installing a Boot From SAN (BFS) HBA, configure a single connection to a single
SAN target/LUN, install the boot OS, and get that working before installing other HBAs
and storage. If the configuration is complex, finding the root cause for any BFS issues
becomes far more complicated.
Once BFS is installed and working, make sure the HBA driver and firmware are at the latest
revision levels. If required, configure a multipath connection, and perhaps one or more
alternate boot LUNs.
Best Practices For Testing the Environment
Test the storage environment by doing the following:
Boot the OS on the host server, and then disable the primary path to the SAN boot device to
validate the multipath connection.
Physically pull the cable from the system.
Intentionally disrupt zoning at the FC switch that you plan to attach to the HBA.
If you have installed any alternate boot LUNs, try to boot from those (after disrupting the
primary connection(s)).
Make sure the boot LUN is set as the first boot device in the system BIOS/UEFI settings.
Installing the Hardware
The hardware installation process involves the following general steps, described in this
“To Install the HBA” on page 21
20 StorageTek Dual 8Gb FC Dual GbE HBA, ExpressModule, Emulex Installation Guide For HBA Models SG-