Philips Cellesse HP 5230, HP5230/01, HP5230/02 Manuel utilisateur

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Cellulite massage system
HP 5230
English Page 3
Français Page 17
Deutsch Seite 31
Italiano Pagina 45
Nederlands Pagina 59
Welcome to Cellesse Page 4
Cellulite - a feminine problem Page 5
Cellulite - can treatment help? Page 7
The Alternative Treatment Options
Cellesse - your personal Cellulite Massage System Page 8
Cellesse in Action Page 8
Clinical Tests show results Page 10
Read carefully before using Cellesse Page 11
Instructions for use Page 13
Cellesse is a special massage system
designed to help you reduce or prevent
the unsightly appearance of Cellulite.
Cellesse is the result of years of research
in the Philips Personal Care Institute.
We have investigated the causes of
Cellulite, tested different types of
treatment available and developed a
solution which will help you get the
results you want.
In the following pages we look, in
some detail, at the causes of Cellulite
and how Cellesse can help you with this
particulary feminine problem.
Note: carefully read all pages of this
booket, especially the chapter “Read
carefully before using Cellesse”.
Welcome to Cellesse
... and your new campaign against Cellulite
So-called Cellulite is the increased visibility of the lumpy fat
deposits through the surface of the skin. A common description is
‘orange peel skin’ because of its unique pitted, bumpy appearance.
Cellulite is a cosmetic beauty problem which affects the
appearance of certain parts of your body, notably the hips, thighs
and buttocks. In more extreme cases, Cellulite can be
uncomfortable, even painful when touched or squeezed.
Cellulite should not be confused with “cellulitis” which is a
medical term linked to bacterial infection of the skin and
associated inflammation of the tissue.
There are two main influences to the formation of Cellulite:
1) Natural mattress structure in the female skin
Firstly, Cellulite is due to the specific, however natural mattress
structure of the female skin. It is a fact of nature that women
have, unlike men, vertical fat deposits in their skin (men’s are
more horizontal).
This mattress structure can be made
especially visible when the skin is
All women have the possibility
of developing Cellulite because of this
structure of the female fat deposits.
Try the Squeeze Test
This is easy to identify. Just gently
squeeze an area of your upper thigh
with both hands and you will most
probably see the mattress shaped fat
layer in your skin.
Especially when the fat deposits are full
due to weight gain or when the skin is
naturally thin (or becomes thin through
the normal ageing process) the lumpy
appearance of the skin can become more
2) Fluid retention
This natural skin condition can however progress to a stage in
which Cellulite becomes visible on the legs without squeezing.
Vertical fat deposits in the
female skin
Horizontal fat deposit in the
male skin
a feminine problem
In most of these cases fluid retention is affecting the fatlayer.
Women tend to retain more fluid than men, especially in their
legs. This water retention also affects the fat tissue in the skin
resulting in excess fluid around the fat cells. This adds to the
puffiness of the mattress and make the Cellulite layer swell.
If this fluid retention is allowed to continue for months and
years, the fat deposits thicken and harden, and eventually hard
lumps are being formed. These lumps can then be seen through
the skin without squeezing.
This chronic situation can be painful when squeezed or pinched,
and is, unlike the light and medium forms of Cellulite, almost
Try the Pinch Test
To check whether you have problems with fluidretention in your
legs you can gently pinch the skin of your upper thigh and try to
lift it away from the underlying layers.
If this hurts, especiallly when you then press it, it could be a first
indication of water retention and additional swelling of the
Cellulite layer.
Top left: The Pinch Test
Above: The Squeeze Test
Left: Cellulite
Two simple tests to determine what stage of Cellulite
you have.
Once established, Cellulite will not disappear or reduce of its own
accord. On the contrary, it is likely to increase. The only solution
is to make the fight against Cellulite part of your regular personal
care routine - and begin treatment before the problem develops
any further than it has today.
The good news is that Cellulite can be reduced, but it can never
be completely eliminated and will return when neglected.
Your fight against Cellulite may have already taken many forms:
diet, exercise, the use of special creams and gels, massage and
even surgery. Now Cellesse adds an effective, purpose-designed
approach which gets right down to the root causes.
The alternative treatment options
Diet and Cellulite. As described before Cellulite is not necessarily
associated with being overweight only. Dieting tends to reduce fat
which will help to reduce the swelling of the fat layer. However
“feminine curves” like buttocks and thighs are especially resistant
to losing fat.
Next to dieting, there is evidence that certain foods are linked to
the formation of Cellulite, especially to the water retention: tea,
coffee, alcohol and refined foods such as white flour and sugar
should be avoided as much as possible.
Exercise can also help in fighting Cellulite. Low intensity aerobic
exercise such as walking or swimming will help boost the blood
and lymphatic circulation. However, to be effective, exercise needs
to be localised, targeting areas of the female body where Cellulite
is concentrated and this is not easy to achieve.
Massage. Next to diet and exercise, removing the fluid from the
Cellulite layer through massage can also help reduce the swelling
and the bumpiness.
Intensive localised massage can mobilise the fluid in the fat layer
and in this way help the body to remove it through the normal
circulation and lymphatic drainage systems. In this way the
swelling of the Cellulite layer can be reduced.
When this is done regularly it can also prevent further swelling
and hardening of the fat layer. So removing excess fluid now from
the Cellulite layer should prevent future swelling and hardening of
this layer.
can treatment help?
For this purpose Philips has developed Cellesse, a compact hand-
held appliance designed specifically to combat and reduce
Cellulite. Cellesse directly addresses the Cellulite layer and can be
used in the privacy of your own home.
Cellesse gives intensive, deep massage of the Cellulite layer in the
skin to mobilise the excess fluid which is then removed naturally
by the body.
The result is a reduction in the swelling and the bumpiness of the
Cellulite layer.
Cellesse has been developed especially for those parts of the body
prone to Cellulite and for this has been equiped with an effective
massage system: Vacumotion.
Vacumotion is a continuous lifting and rolling movement which
gives a deep and intensive massage of the Cellulite layer, with the
least of friction. It consists of two rollers and a middle vacuum
section which are electronically connected to result in one fluid
massage action.
The process resembles a wave-like movement of the skin as the
Cellesse unit is moved over the affected area. The direction for use
is always towards the heart, i.e. upwards along the leg and
affected areas are covered in a series of adjacent, parallel
Sensor control
A special sensor detects proper contact with the skin, only when
this proper contact is made does the Vacumotion begin.
This ensures effective treatment at all times.
Your personal Cellulite Massage System
Cellesse in Action
Five Intensity settings
Five degrees of intensity are available. As you get to know Cellesse
better, you will be able to find the setting that suits you best. We
recommend to start in the beginning with the lowest setting and
gradually increase depending on your specific skin condition and
preference. As the skin gets more used to the treatment it will
accept a higher setting.
Vacu-Stop is a simple and safe way of stopping the treatment at
any time.
The stop switch is easily accessible from either side of the
Designing an Effective Treatment Programme
The recommended frequency of use for Cellesse is 10-15 minutes
on each leg, three times a week. In consumer tests we have found
that through this type of regular use in already one month a
significant smoothening of the Cellulite layer inside the skin can
be achieved. Of course results will differ from woman to woman,
depending on the extent and severity of the Cellulite and your
We found that in most cases, results can be achieved, however
regular use of Cellesse is required as fluid retention will always
return and put the fatlayer under pressure again.
Cellesse starts automatically
when placed on the skin.
The front roller gently rolls
the skin into the vacuum
The rear roller massages the
lower layers of the elevated
skin and then gently rolls it
The skin is then lifted even
further by means of
Clinical tests of the Cellesse system have been conducted under
controlled conditions to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.
Ultrasound scans of the inner skin were used to measure the
effects (see pictures).
The results have confirmed that Cellesse can achieve a smoothening
of the Cellulite layer inside the skin: on average 33% smoothening
of the Cellulite layer after 1 month of use. Up to almost 50% may
be achieved after two months based on the recommended
frequency of use (3x per week; 15 minutes per leg).
Ultrasound scans: before and after Cellesse
Outer skin
Swollen surface of
Cellulite layer
Smoothened surface of
Cellulite layer
Results of Cellesse using ultrasound scanning
Average smoothening of the Cellulite layer inside the skin.
After 1 month: 33%
After 2 months: 49%
After 3 months: 55%
Graph showing the stages of reduction
Clinical Tests show results
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
33% 49% 55%
Average smoothening
If treatment is discontinued, the swelling of the Cellulite layer will
gradually return as fluidretention will continue in the female
body. As an indication for this we found in our study that one
month after treatment the Cellulite layer became less smooth
again. However still 39% of smoothening was retained and two
months after treatment 25% smoothening was still visible on the
ultrasound scans.
This implies that regular usage of Cellesse will have the largest
impact especially early in the treatment cycle.
Therefore, we recommend intensive usage for the first 2-3
months and, after that, less intensive usage to keep fluid retention
under control: for example, 15 minutes every week or 5 minutes
3 times per week, depending on your preference and skin
Cellesse does not reduce the fat in the fatlayer. Therefore women
who have severe weight problems or who are obese are
discouraged from using Cellesse as the effects are likely to be
minimal. This is because the swelling of the fat layer purely by fat
is already significant and the effects of a reduction in fluid
retention will be minimal in comparison.
When not to use Cellesse
Cellesse should not be used by women on areas of the body where
they suffer from varicose veins, scars, spots or blemishes, irritated
skin or if there is another skin problem or skin disease.
In all of these cases, or when in doubt, we suggest you consult
your doctor first.
In addition, women who have diagnosed heart conditions,
diabetes, blood circulation problems or who are pregnant should
always consult their doctor before using Cellesse.
Effects during and after use
After using Cellesse the skin may become a little red and feel
somewhat dry. This is quite normal when massaging and will
soon disappear. If needed, some body lotion or cream can be
applied after use to soften the skin.
Read carefully before using Cellesse
Some women may find the use of Cellesse slightly painful. As this
sensitivity is related to the level of fluidpressure in the fatlayer
some women will experience this more than others. During the
month this tenderness of the skin can also vary due to the
menstrual cycle. In these circumstances we recommend using the
lower settings of Cellesse untill the skin has become less tender.
We also advise women who are prone to bruising of the skin or
who have small superficial red veins to be extra careful when
using the higher settings, especially in the first weeks of usage.
It is also recommended in these cases to use the Vacustop for
easier release of the appliance from the skin.
In some cases, fine hairs on the legs may be pulled out by the
rolling action, if this happens, and causes discomfort, shave the
legs before treatment.
Before connecting the appliance,
please check that the voltage
indicated on the transformer plug
corresponds to the mains voltage in
your home.
Regular cleaning and good
maintenance ensures optimum
results and guarantees longer life
time of Cellesse.
Do not allow the appliance to come
into contact with water.
Store the appliance in its pouch
when not in use.
Keep the appliance away from
Only use your Cellesse with the mains
cord supplied with the appliance.
The mains cord of this appliance
cannot be replaced. If the cord is
damaged, the adaptor must be
replaced at the nearest Philips
Service Centre.
Instructions for use
General description
Suction opening (for lifting
the skin)
Front roller (motor driven)
Rear roller (motor driven)
Filter (keeps the suction pump
free from dust)
On/Off switch and suction
0 = off
1 = minimum suction power
5 = maximum suction power
‘Vacu-Stop’ knob (press to
switch off the suction pump;
then you can easily remove the
appliance from your skin)
Transformer plug with power
cord (the appliance works on
low voltage, so it is safe)
Appliance plug
Connector for appliance plug
How to get the best from Cellesse
Please read the instructions carefully - they are designed
to help you get the best possible results.
Cellesse has been designed to be used specifically on the
upper legs and buttocks where most of the Cellulite is
located. We advise not to use Cellesse on the face, the
belly or breasts as these areas are more tender.
Frequency of use
The ideal frequency of use is every second day. Allow
10-15 minutes for each affected area for the best
Begin each course of treatment on Level 1. During the
massage and in subsequent sessions you can gradually
increase to higher intensity levels as the skin will get
more and more used to the treatment. In this you
should establish your own preference as each skin is
There is no need to apply hard pressure when using
Cellesse. Simply let the appliance run over the skin
and do the job for you.
Skin Preparation
Your skin must be clean, dry and completely free from
grease or any other skin preparation.
(Cellulite) creams, lotions, talcum powder or any other
preparation you normally use can be applied after
Getting Started
Insert the appliance plug into the connector.
Insert the transformer plug into the wall socket.
Set the on/off switch to Level 1 (or the level you are
Treatment Techniques
Comfort is an important part of Cellesse treatment.
Try sitting ...
... or standing
Gently position the appliance on the skin, a little above
the knee, remembering that you are working in a single
direction only- towards your heart, i.e. upwards on your
Move the appliance slowly and carefully in the right
direction, the Vacumotion will lift the skin resulting in
the deep intensive massage of the fat layer beneath the
A full movement from just above the knee to the top of
the thigh should take around 5 seconds - try counting.
When you have reached the highest point, press Vacu-
Stop and lift the appliance from the skin. The Vacu-Stop
is especially useful at the higher intensity levels.
Reposition Cellesse next to your original starting point,
and begin again.
Repeat this procedure, treating the entire area with a
series of adjacent long, slow, upward strokes.
Find the most comfortable grip and change grip when
needed during use.
Establish a set pattern of treatment and follow this
routine every time you use Cellesse.
After treatment, your skin may feel dry or show a little
redness. Don’t worry, this is normal when massaging the
skin and will soon disappear.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Never immerse the appliance in water nor rinse it.
For best results, keep Cellesse clean at all times, using a
damp cloth and, perhaps, a spot of detergent.
Do not use alcohol, acetone, gasoline, abrasives, scourers
etc. for cleaning the appliance.
Pay special attention to the rollers on the underside when
To clean the rollers, select Level 1, cover the suction
opening with your thumb so that the rollers start to
rotate, then wipe the rollers clean with a damp cloth, as
Unplug the appliance after use and store it out of reach
of children in the pouch provided.
Introduction à Cellesse Page 18
La Cellulite: un problème féminin Page 19
La Cellulite: un traitement peut-il être utile? Page 21
Les différents traitements possibles
Cellesse: votre système personnel de massage de la Cellulite Page 22
Cellesse en action Page 22
Les tests cliniques prouvent des résultats Page 24
À lire avec attention avant dutiliser Cellesse Page 25
Mode d’emploi Page 27
Cellesse est un système spécial de massage
spécialement conçu pour vous aider à
réduire et à prévenir les effets inesthé-
tiques de la Cellulite.
Cellesse est le résultat d'années de
recherches menées par l'Institut de Soins
Personnels de Philips.
Nous avons recherché les différents
causes de la Cellulite, testé différents
types de traitements disponibles et
développé une solution qui vous aidera
à obtenir les résultats que vous souhaitez.
Dans les pages suivantes nous examine-
rons en détail les causes de la Cellulite
et en quoi Cellesse peut vous aider avec
ce problème particulièrement féminin.
Note: Lisez avec attention toutes les
pages de ce livret, notamment le
chapitre “À lire avec attention avant
dutiliser Cellesse.
Introduction à Cellesse
... et à votre nouveau combat contre la Cellulite
La Cellulite est la manifestation des dépôts graisseux présents à la
surface de la peau. On la compare souvent à une "peau d'orange"
du fait de son aspect de peau grêlée d'une surface inégale.
La Cellulite est un problème cosmétique qui affecte lapparence de
certaines parties de votre corps notamment les hanches, les fesses
et les cuisses.
Dans des cas extrêmes la Cellulite peut être désagréable et même
douloureuse au toucher ou lorsque on la pince.
La Cellulite n'est pas à confondre avec la "cellulitis" qui est un
problème médical lié à une infection bactérienne de la peau
résultant d'une inflammation des tissus.
Il y a deux causes principales dans la formation de la Cellulite:
1) la structure naturelle en forme de matelas chez la
Premièrement, la Cellulite est due à la structure en forme de
matelas de la peau spécifique chez la femme. Il est naturel que les
femmes, contrairement aux hommes aient des cellules graisseuses
verticales ( elles sont plus horizontales chez les hommes).
Cette structure en forme de matelas de
la peau est spécialement visible quand la
peau est pincée. Toutes les femmes
peuvent développer de la Cellulite à
cause de la structure verticale des
cellules graisseuses féminines.
Essayez le test du pincement
Ceci est facile à identifier
Pincez délicatement la peau entre les
deux mains en haut de votre cuisse et
vous noterez très probablement cette
structure en forme de matelas de la
couche de graisse.
L'aspect grumeleux de la peau est
généralement plus visible lorsque les
dépôts de graisse sont abondants du fait
d'une prise de poids, ou lorsque la peau
est naturellement mince (ou le devient
avec l'âge).
2) La rétention de fluides
Cette particularité naturelle de la peau peut cependant évoluer vers
un stade où la Cellulite devient visible sur les jambes sans avoir à
pincer la peau.
Cellules graisseuses verticales
chez la femme
Cellules graisseuses horizontales
chez l’homme
La Cellulite:
un problème féminin
Dans ce cas, la rétention de fluides affecte la couche de graisse.
On sait que les femmes retiennent plus facilement les fluides au
niveau des jambes. Cette rétention de fluides affecte également les
tissus adipeux de la peau, entraînant un surplus de fluides autour
des cellules adipeuses. Le matelas de la peau s'en trouve plus
Si cette rétention de fluides se poursuit durant des mois, voire des
années, le dépôt de graisse s'épaissit et des amas durs viennent à
se former. Ces amas se remarquent alors à travers la peau sans
Cette situation chronique peut être très douloureuse et quasi
irréversible, à la différence d'une forme de Cellulite légère ou
Essayez le test du pincement léger
Afin de vérifier si vos jambes présentent des problèmes de
rétention de fluides dans vos jambes vous pouvez pincer
délicatement la peau de la cuisse et la séparer des couches
Si cette opération est douloureuse, tout particulièrement lorsque
vous appuyez sur la peau, vous aurez là une première indication
d'une rétention d'eau et d'un gonflement de la couche de
En haut à gauche: le test du pincement
Si-dessus: le test du pincement
à gauche: Cellulite
Deux tests simples pour vous permettre de déterminer
le stade de développement de votre Cellulite.