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Forward/Backward Trim
• If your Air™ is drifting forwards or backwards, you may need to adjust the FORWARD/BACKWARD
TRIM (see diagram J).
• If your Air™ drifts forward, push and release the BACKWARD TRIM button back repeatedly
until the motion stops and proper flight is maintained.
• If your Air™ drifts backwards, push and release the FORWARD TRIM button forward in the
same manner until the problem is resolved.
• From time to time you may have to adjust the FORWARD or BACKWARD TRIM buttons to ensure the
Air™ will hover in mid-air and respond accurately to your commands.
Right/Left Trim
• If your Air™ is drifting left or right, you may need to adjust the LEFT/RIGHT TRIM button
(see diagram K).
• If your Air™ drifts left, push and release the RIGHT TRIM button repeatedly until the motion
stops and proper flight is maintained.
• If your Air™ drifts right, push and release the LEFT TRIM button in the same manner until the
problem is resolved.
• From time to time you may have to adjust the LEFT or RIGHT TRIM buttons to ensure the
Air™ will hover in mid-air and respond accurately to your commands.
If the aircraft becomes unstable during the course of flying, or after a
crash, you may need to recalibrate the onboard gyro chip.
To do so, place the Air™ on a flat level surface. Start by syncing the
controller with the quadrocopter. Next, pull both of the control sticks
on the remote down and to the left (approximately 45º) at the same
time. The LEDs on the Air™ will flash quickly and then remain solid.
This indicates your aircraft has been stabilized (see diagram L).
If the power indicator LED on the remote lights up it means you are running at low voltage and need to
land the aircraft slowly and replace the batteries in the controller.
If the LED lights on the quadrocopter begin flashing it means you are running at low voltage and you need
to land the aircraft slowly and recharge the quadrocopter unit.
WARNING: Do not attempt a 360º flip when you are given a low voltage warning
Below is a list of basic flight functions for your long-range remote control Air™. While learning to fly
your Air™ it is best to start in a large space until you get used to the basic controls. As you master flying
your Air™ you can move to more advanced maneuvering techniques. Practice makes perfect! When you
have these basic steps down you can move to the next level.
Move the left Throttle stick upwards to increase
the speed of the propellers and the Air™ will
accelerate upwards and ascend.
Move the left Throttle stick down to decrease
the speed and the Air™ will decelerate and
descend (see diagram F).
While in the air, move the left Throttle stick left
and the Air™ will rotate left.
Move the left Throttle stick right and the
Air™ will rotate right (see diagram G).
While in the air, move the right Direction Stick
up and the Air™ will move forward.
Move the right Direction Stick down and the Air
™ will move backward (see diagram H).
While in the air, move the right Direction Stick
left and the Air™ will bank to the left.
Move the right Direction Stick right and the Air
™ will bank to the right (see diagram I).
Even though the Air™ has four rotors, there is still a “front” or forward facing direction and "back" or
backwards facing direction. The front and forward facing direction of the Air™ is the side displays WHITE
LED lights (see diagram E ). The rear and backwards facing of the Quadrocopter is the side displays RED LED
lights (see diagram E).
White LED lights
Red LED lights