Extron TLP Pro 300M Mode d'emploi

  • Bonjour ! J'ai examiné le guide de l'utilisateur de l'écran tactile Extron TouchLink Pro TLP Pro 300M. Ce document contient des informations sur la configuration, l'installation et l'utilisation de cet écran tactile de 3,5 pouces, conçu pour être utilisé avec des processeurs de commande Extron IP Link Pro. Il fournit des détails sur des fonctionnalités telles que la prise en charge PoE, le capteur de lumière, le capteur de mouvement et la personnalisation via le logiciel Extron. Je suis prêt à répondre à toutes vos questions à ce sujet.
  • Quel type de processeur est compatible avec l'écran tactile TLP Pro 300M ?
    L'écran tactile TLP Pro 300M est-il alimenté par un adaptateur secteur ?
    Quelle est la taille de l'écran tactile ?
TLP Pro 300M
User Guide
TouchLink Pro Touchpanel Control Systems
68-3146-01 Rev. C
07 22
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions • English
WARNING: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended to
alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within
the product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.
ATTENTION: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended
to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.
For information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide, part number 68-290-01, on the Extron website,
Sicherheitsanweisungen • Deutsch
WARUNG: Dieses Symbol auf demProdukt soll den Benutzer darauf
aufmerksam machen, dass im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes
gefährliche Spannungen herrschen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen
elektrischen Schlag verursachen können.
VORSICHT: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll dem Benutzer in
der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige
Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.
Weitere Informationen über die Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Produkthandhabung,
EMI/EMF-Kompatibilität, Zugänglichkeit und verwandte Themen finden Sie in den
Extron-Richtlinien für Sicherheit und Handhabung (Artikelnummer
68-290-01) auf der Extron-Website, www.extron.com.
Instrucciones de seguridad • Español
ADVERTENCIA: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto, avisa
al usuario de la presencia de voltaje peligroso sin aislar dentro del
producto, lo que puede representar un riesgo de descarga eléctrica.
ATENCIÓN: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto,
avisa al usuario de la presencia de importantes instrucciones de
uso y mantenimiento estas estan incluidas en la documentación
proporcionada con el equipo.
Para obtener información sobre directrices de seguridad, cumplimiento
de normativas, compatibilidad electromagnética, accesibilidad y temas
relacionados, consulte la Guía de cumplimiento de normativas y seguridad de
Extron, referencia 68-290-01, en el sitio Web de Extron, www.extron.com.
Instructions de sécurité • Français
AVERTISSEMENT : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le
produit, signale à l’utilisateur la présence à l’intérieur du boîtier du
produit d’une tension électrique dangereuse susceptible de provoquer
un choc électrique.
ATTENTION : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le produit,
signale à l’utilisateur des instructions d’utilisation ou de maintenance
importantes qui se trouvent dans la documentation fournie avec
Pour en savoir plus sur les règles de sécurité, la conformité à la réglementation,
la compatibilité EMI/EMF, l’accessibilité, et autres sujets connexes, lisez les
informations de sécurité et de conformité Extron, réf. 68-290-01, sur le site
Extron, www.extron.com.
Istruzioni di sicurezza • Italiano
AVVERTENZA: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad avvertire
l’utente della presenza di tensione non isolata pericolosa all’interno
del contenitore del prodotto che può costituire un rischio di scosse
ATTENTZIONE: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad avvertire
l’utente della presenza di importanti istruzioni di funzionamento e
manutenzione nella documentazione fornita con l’apparecchio.
Per informazioni su parametri di sicurezza, conformità alle normative,
compatibilità EMI/EMF, accessibilità e argomenti simili, fare riferimento alla Guida
alla conformità normativa e di sicurezza di Extron, cod. articolo 68-290-01, sul
sito web di Extron, www.extron.com.
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa • Polska
OSTRZEŻENIE: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, ma na celu
poinformować użytkownika o obecności izolowanego i niebezpiecznego
napięcia wewnątrz obudowy produktu, który może stanowić zagrenie
porażenia prądem elektrycznym.
UWAGI: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, jest przeznaczony do
ostrzegania użytkownika ważne operacyjne oraz instrukcje konserwacji
(obsługi) w literaturze, wyposażone w sprzęt.
Informacji na temat wytycznych w sprawie bezpieczeństwa, regulacji wzajemnej
zgodności, zgodność EMI/EMF, dostępności i Tematy pokrewne, zobacz Extron
bezpieczeństwa i regulacyjnego zgodności przewodnik, część numer 68-290-01,
na stronie internetowej Extron, www.extron.com.
Инструкция по технике безопасности Русский
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан
на продукте, предупреждает пользователя о наличии
неизолированного опасного напряжения внутри корпуса
продукта, которое может привести к поражению
электрическим током.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан на продукте,
предупреждает пользователя о наличии важных инструкций по
эксплуатации и обслуживанию в руководстве, прилагаемом к
данному оборудованию.
Для получения информации о правилах техники безопасности,
соблюдении нормативных требований, электромагнитной
совместимости (ЭМП/ЭДС), возможности доступа и других вопросах
см. руководство по безопасности и соблюдению нормативных
требований Extron на сайте Extron: , www.extron.com,
номер по каталогу - 68-290-01.
안전 지침 • 한국어
경고: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 제품의 인클로저 내에 있는
접지되지 않은 위험한 전류로 인해 사용자가 감전될 위험이 있음을
주의: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 장비와 함께 제공된 책자에 나와
있는 주요 운영 및 유지보수(정비) 지침을 경고합니다.
안전 가이드라인, 규제 준수, EMI/EMF 호환성, 접근성, 그리고 관련 항목에 대한
자세한 내용은 Extron 웹 사이트(www.extron.com)의 Extron 안전 및 규제 준수
안내서, 68-290-01 조항을 참조하십시오.
安全说明 简体中文
警告产品上的这个标志意在警告用, 该产品机壳内暴露的危险
压 ,有 险 。
注意产品上的这个标志意在提示用户, 设备随附的用户手册中有重
关于我们产品的安全指南、遵循的规范、EMI/EMF 的兼容性、无障碍使
敬请访问 Extron 网站 , www.extron.com,参见 Extron 安全规范指南,产品编号
安全記事 • 繁體中文
警告: 若產品上使用此符號,是為了提醒使用者產品機殼內存在未隔離的危
注意 品上使用此符號,是為提醒使用設備隨附的用戶手冊中有
( 維 修 )説
有關安全性指導方針法規遵EMI/EMF 相存取圍和主題的詳細資訊,
請瀏覽 Extron 網站www.extron.com然後參閱《Extron 安全性與法規遵
準則編號 68-290-01
© 2020-2023 Extron. All rights reserved. www.extron.com
All trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners..
All trademarks mentioned in this guide are the properties of their respective owners.
The following registered trademarks (), registered service marks (SM), and trademarks (TM) are the property of RGBSystems, Inc. or Extron (see
the current list of trademarks on the Terms of Use page at www.extron.com):
Registered Trademarks ()
Cable Cubby, ControlScript, CrossPoint, DTP, eBUS, EDID Manager, EDID Minder, Extron, eLink, Flat Field, FlexOS, Glitch Free,
Global Configurator, Global Scripter, GlobalViewer, Hideaway, HyperLane, IPIntercom, IPLink, Key Minder, LinkLicense, LockIt,
MediaLink, MediaPort, NAV, NetPA, PlenumVault, PoleVault, PowerCage, PURE3, Quantum, ShareLink, Show Me, SoundField,
SpeedMount, SpeedSwitch, StudioStation, SystemINTEGRATOR, TeamWork, TouchLink, V-Lock, VN-Matrix, VoiceLift, WallVault,
WindoWall, XPA, XTP, XTP Systems, and ZipClip
Registered Service Mark(SM) : S3 Service Support Solutions
Trademarks ()
AAP, AFL (Accu-Rate Frame Lock), ADSP (Advanced Digital Sync Processing), AVEdge, CableCover, CDRS (Class D Ripple Suppression),
Codec Connect, DDSP (Digital Display Sync Processing), DMI (Dynamic Motion Interpolation), DriverConfigurator, DSPConfigurator,
DSVP (Digital Sync Validation Processing), EQIP, Everlast, FastBite, Flex55, FOX, FOXBOX, IP Intercom HelpDesk, MAAP, MicroDigital,
Opti-Torque, PendantConnect, ProDSP, QS-FPC (QuickSwitch Front Panel Controller), Room Agent, Scope-Trigger, SIS, Simple Instruction
Set, Skew-Free, SpeedNav, Triple-Action Switching, True4K, True8K, Vector™ 4K, WebShare, XTRA, and ZipCaddy
FCC Class A Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC rules. The ClassA limits provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference.
This interference must be corrected at the expense of the user.
This unit was tested with shielded I/O cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables
must be used to ensure compliance with FCC emissions limits.
For more information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and Regulatory
Compliance Guide on the Extron Website.
Battery Notice
This product contains a battery. Do not open the unit to replace the battery. If the
battery needs replacing, return the entire unit to Extron (for the correct address, see the Extron
Warranty section on the last page of this guide).
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used
batteries according to the instructions.
ATTENTION : Risque d’explosion. Ne pas remplacer la pile par le mauvais type de pile.
Débarrassez-vous des piles utilisées selon le mode d’emploi.
Conventions Used in this Guide
In this user guide, the following are used:
WARNING: Potential risk of severe injury or death.
AVERTISSEMENT : Risque potentiel de blessure grave ou de mort.
CAUTION: Risk of minor personal injury.
ATTENTION : Risque de blessuremineure.
Risk of property damage.
Risque de dommages matériels.
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
Software Commands
NOTE: For commands and examples of computer or device responses mentioned in
this guide, the character “0” is used for the number zero and “O” represents the capital
letter “o”.
Directory paths that do not have variables are written in the font shown here:
C:\Program Files\Extron
Variables are written in slanted form as shown here:
ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx —t
SOH R Data STX Command ETB ETX
Selectable items, such as menu names, menu options, buttons, tabs, and field names are
written in the font shown here:
From the File menu, select New.
Click the OK button.
Specifications Availability
Product specifications are available on the Extron Website, www.extron.com.
Extron Glossary of Terms
A glossary of terms is available at www.extron.com/technology/glossary.aspx.
Introduction............................................................ 1
About the TLP Pro 300M ........................................1
Features .................................................................. 1
Application Diagram ................................................2
Requirements ..........................................................2
Software .............................................................2
Hardware ............................................................2
Installation Overview ........................................... 3
Panel Features ...................................................... 5
TLP Pro 300M Front Panel Features ........................5
TLP Pro 300M Rear Panel Features ........................6
Connecting a Power Injector ...............................7
Setup Menu ............................................................ 9
Status ...................................................................10
Network ................................................................11
Display ..................................................................14
Audio ....................................................................15
Project Information ................................................16
Advanced .............................................................17
System Info .......................................................17
LinkLicenses .....................................................18
Storage ............................................................. 19
Menu PIN ..........................................................19
Configuration Software ..................................... 20
Downloading and Installing Software .....................20
Downloading software from the product page ... 21
Downloading software from the
alphabet menu ................................................. 22
Using the Software ................................................ 22
TLP Pro 300M Web Page .....................................23
Updating Firmware ................................................ 24
Downloading Firmware ......................................24
Updating Firmware Using the Touchpanel
Web Page ........................................................ 25
Mounting ............................................................... 26
Mounting With a UL-listed Electrical Box ............... 27
Mounting to Drywall or Furniture ............................28
LinkLicenses ........................................................ 29
What is an Extron LinkLicense? ............................. 29
How Customers Obtain a LinkLicense ...................29
Applying a LinkLicense ..........................................29
Reference Material ............................................. 30
Best Practices for Cleaning Your
Extron Products ...................................................30
Network Port Requirements and Licensed
Third-party Software Used by the Touchpanels ....31
Reset Modes.........................................................31
Use Factory Firmware .......................................31
Reset All IP Settings .......................................... 31
Reset to Factory Defaults ..................................32
Enable or Disable the DHCP Client ....................32
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates ................ 33
IEEE 802.1X Certificates ........................................33
Certificate File Requirements .............................34
Private Key File Requirements ...........................34
SNMP ...................................................................34
TLP Pro 300M • Contents vii
TLP Pro 300M • Contents viii
This guide describes the function, installation, and operation of the TLPPro300M
TouchLinkPro touchpanel. Unless otherwise stated, the terms “TLP Pro” and “touchpanel”
refer to the TLP Pro 300M.
This section contains the following information:
About the TLP Pro 300M
Application Diagram
About the TLP Pro 300M
The Extron TLP Pro 300M is a 3.5-inch, wall-mounted touchpanel with an 320x480 LCD
touchscreen. The TLP Pro 300M works with any Extron IP Link Pro control processor and is
ideal for any AV application requiring a compact touchpanel and a fully customizable interface.
The touchpanel mounts in in portrait or landscape orientation. It can mount to a standard
1-gang electrical box or directly into drywall or furniture (see Mounting on page 26).
Power over Ethernet (PoE) allows the touchpanel to receive power and communications over a
single Ethernet cable.
The screen layout is designed with the Extron GUI Designer software. The functions are
assigned to the screen objects with the Extron Global Configurator Plus and Professional
software or Global Scripter. The user can define the graphics and the functions associated with
those graphics, providing versatility and adaptability to the configuration and control of an AV
A motion sensor, light sensor, and a speaker provide sleep mode, auto dimming, and audible
3.5-inch LCD touchscreen — With 320x480 resolution and 18-bit color depth.
Gorilla Glass® screen is tough, scratch, and smudge-resistant — Corning® Gorilla®
Glass is stronger and more scratch-resistant than standard glass, while maintaining touch
sensitivity, color saturation, and brightness.
Compatible with all Extron IP Link Pro control processors and HC 400 Series
Power over Ethernet (PoE 802.3af, class2) compliance — Allows the touchpanel to
receive power and control over a single Ethernet cable, eliminating the need for a local power
supply. The power injector is sold separately.
Built-in speaker — Provides audible feedback from button presses.
Light sensor — Adjusts screen brightness as the ambient room lighting changes.
Configurable red and green status lights — Indicate the availability or call status of a room.
Automatic clock synchronization — Allows touchpanel to display the accurate time and
TLP Pro 300M • Introduction 1
Energy-saving features
Adjustable sleep timer puts touchpanel into sleep mode.
Motion detector wakes touchpanel.
Fully customizable using Extron control system software — Using GUI Designer,
Global Configurator Plus and Professional, and Toolbelt.
Multiple mounting optionsMounts in a one-gang junction box, on a wall, or in a
lectern. The TLP Pro 300M can be mounted in either the landscape or portrait orientation.
Application Diagram
0.7A MAX
8Ω / 4Ω
MPA 152 Plus
1.0A MAX
Tx Rx
1 2 C
+V +S -S G
MPA 152 Plus
Power Amplier
4K Display
SM 3
Surface Mount
4K Media Player
IPCP Pro 255
IP Link Pro Control
TLP Pro 300M
3.5" Portrait Wall
Mount TouchLink
Pro Touchpanel
Volume Control
Figure 1. TLP Pro 300M Application Diagram
For a complete list of the requirements for running GUI Designer, Global Configurator Plus
and Professional, Global Scripter, or Toolbelt, see the Extron Web page for the appropriate
NOTE: The TLP Pro 300M is not compatible with GlobalConfigurator 3 or
An Extron IP Link Pro control processor must be connected to the same network domain as
the TLP Pro 300M. See www.extron.com for a list of suitable controllers.
NOTE: The TLP Pro 300M is not compatible with Extron IP Link (non-Pro) control
TLP Pro 300M • Introduction 2
1. Before starting, download and install the latest versions of the following software:
GUI Designer — For designing layouts for Extron TouchLink Pro touchpanels and
third party touch interfaces.
Global Configurator Plus and Professional — For setting up and configuring the
control processor and touchpanel.
Toolbelt — Provides device discovery, device information, firmware updates,
and configuration of network settings, system utilities, and user management for
TouchLink Pro devices.
ControlScript® Programming software (optional) — for programming Extron
control systems.
See Configuration Software on page 20.
2. Obtain the following network information from your network administrator:
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) status (on or off). If DHCP is off,
you also require
IP address
Subnet mask
User names — These are either admin or user.
Passwords — The factory configured passwords for all accounts on this device
have been set to the device serial number. Passwords can be changed during
configuration. Passwords are case sensitive.
NOTE: If the device is reset to default settings, the password is the default
password configuration. The default password is extron (for either admin or
user accounts).
MAC address — Make a note of the touchpanel MAC address, which is on a label
on the rear panel.
SSL security certificates and IEEE 802.1X authentication — Extron
touchpanels come with a factory-installed Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security
certificate. IEEE 802.1X authentication is also supported once enabled. See
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates on page 33 or IEEE 802.1X
Certificates on page 33 for more information.
TLP Pro 300M • Installation Overview 3
3. Set up the Touchpanels for Network Communication:
Connect the PC that you will use for setup, the control processor, and the touchpanel
to the same Ethernet subnetwork.
Do not power on the touchpanels or control processors until you have read
the Attention on page 8.
Ne branchez pas les écrans tactiles ou les contrôleurs avant d’avoir lu les
mises en garde page 8.
Use the Setup Menu (see page 9) or Toolbelt to set the DHCP status and, if
necessary, the IP address and related settings for the touchpanel.
NOTE: Set up the touchpanel before mounting. Once the panel is mounted in a
wall, the Menu button cannot be accessed without removing the touchpanel.
4. Mount and connect cables to the units:
NOTE: The TLP Pro 300M can be mounted in either the landscape or portrait
Mount the units. There are several mounting options for Touchlink Pro touchpanels
(see Mounting on page 26).
Connect cables to the touchpanels (see TLP Pro 300M Rear Panel Features on
page 6).
Connect the power cords and power on all devices (see LAN/PoE Connector on
page 6).
5. Configure or program the Touchpanels — The GUI Designer Help File, Global
Configurator Help File, and Toolbelt Help File, provide step-by-step instructions and
detailed information.
The Global Configurator Help File includes an introduction to that software and sections
on how to start a project and configuration.
Associate functions with the graphical user interface features by configuring (see the
Global Configurator Help File) or programming the system (see the GlobalScripter Help
File or ControlScript Deployment Utility Help File. An Extron-exclusive Python library
(ControlScript®) allows you to start programming the system.
TLP Pro 300M • Installation Overview 4
Panel Features
This section describes:
TLP Pro 300M Front Panel Features
TLP Pro 300M Rear Panel Features
TLP Pro 300M Front Panel Features
Figure 2. TLP Pro 300M Front Panel
A LCD touchscreen — The 3.5-inch, 320x480 resolution touchscreen is made with
Corning® Gorilla Glass, which is stronger and more scratch-resistant than standard glass,
while maintaining touch sensitivity, color saturation, and brightness.
B Motion sensor — Detects motion between three to five feet from the touchpanel, and at
least 15° from the center axis.
C Light sensor — Monitors ambient light level and adjusts screen brightness, based on the
settings configured using the Setup Menu (see page 9).
TLP Pro 300M • Panel Features 5
TLP Pro 300M Rear Panel Features
Figure 3. TLP Pro 300M Rear Panel Features
A Status light — The lights can blink or remain lit steadily and they can light red or green.
The lights can be configured (using Global Configurator) or programmed (using Global
Scripter) to provide feedback information about the system using these variables. Different
combinations, for example a red LED lit steadily or a green LED that is blinking, can be
associated with different events to provide indications about the system.
For information about configuring or programming this light, see the Global Configurator
Help File or the Global Scripter Help File.
B RESET LED — Provides feedback about the reset status when the user presses the
RESET button (for an overview, see Reset Modes on page 31).
C RESET Button — Pressing the RESET button allows the unit to be reset in any of three
different modes and can also be used to toggle between enabling and disabling the DHCP
client (see Reset Modes).
D MENU Button — Activates the setup menu (see Setup Menu on page 9).
E Serial Number Label — The serial number is on a label on the right edge of the rear
panel, towards the top. The factory configured passwords for all accounts on this device
have been set to this device serial number. Passwords are case sensitive.
NOTE: If the device is reset to default settings, the passwords are reset to the default
password, which is extron (for either admin or user).
F Security Screw — Used to attach provided tether kit. It requires a Torx screwdriver
(size T8).
G LAN/PoE Connector — The interface is compliant with the requirements of PoE
(PoE 802.3af, class 2) and must be powered by PoE power sourcing equipment (PSE).
This can be a power injector (see Connecting a Power Injector on page 7) or PoE
NOTE: The PoE PSE must be purchased separately. Use an Ethernet cable to
connect the touchpanel to a PoE power injector (not provided).
An Extron IP Link Pro control processor must also be connected to the same network as
the TouchLink Pro touchpanel (see www.extron.com for a list of compatible models).
H USB Port — One micro-B receptacle supports high-speed USB 2.0.
figure 3
LAN/PoE Connector
TLP Pro 300M • Panel Features 6
Connecting a Power Injector
Figure 4 shows the Extron XTP PI 100. Your power injector may look different.
1. Connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the power injector to a switch or router
(figure 4, 1). This cable carries network information from the switch or router to the
power supply.
0.4A MAX
To network switchTo touchpanel
Figure 4. XTP PI 100 Power Injector
2. Connect a second straight-through cable (2) from the power injector to the touchpanel.
This cable carries the network information and 48VDC from the power injector to the
3. Connect the IEC power cord to a convenient 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz power
source (3).
TLP Pro 300M • Panel Features 7
The TLP Pro 300M is intended for connection to a Power over Ethernet circuit for
intra-building use only and are considered to be part of a Network Environment 0 per
IEC TR62101.
Le TLP Pro 300M est conçu pour une connexion à un circuit PoE pour une utilisation
intérieure seulement et est considéré comme faisant partie d’un environnement réseau
0 par IECTR62101.
Always use a power supply provided by or specified by Extron. Use of an
unauthorized power supply voids all regulatory compliance certification and may
cause damage to the supply and the end product.
Utilisez toujours une source d’alimentation fournie ou recommandée par Extron.
L’utilisation d’une source d’alimentation non autorisée annule toute conformité
réglementaire et peut endommager la source d’alimentation ainsi que le produit final.
This product is intended for use with a UL Listed power source marked “Class 2” or
“LPS” and rated 48 VDC (PoE), minimum 0.35 A.
Ce produit est destiné à une utilisation avec une source d’alimentation listéeUL avec
l’appellation «Classe2» ou «LPS» et normée 48Vcc (PoE), 0,35A minimum.
Extron power supplies are certified to UL/CSA 60950-1 and are classified as LPS
(Limited Power Source). Use of a non-LPS or unlisted power supply will void all
regulatory compliance certification.
Les sources d’alimentation Extron sont qualifiées UL/CSA60950-1 et sont
classéesLPS(LimitedPowerSource). L’utilisation d’une source d’alimentation non-
listée ou non-listéeLPS annulera toute certification de conformité réglementaire.
Unless otherwise stated, the AC/DC adapters are not suitable for use in air handling
spaces or in wall cavities. The power supply is to be located within the same vicinity
as the Extron AV processing equipment in an ordinary location, Pollution Degree 2,
secured to the equipment rack within the dedicated closet, podium, or desk.
Sauf mention contraire, les adaptateurs AC/DC ne sont pas appropriés pour une
utilisation dans les espaces d’aération ou dans les cavités murales. La source
d’alimentation doit être située à proximité de l’équipement de traitement audiovisuel
dans un endroit ordinaire, avec un degré2 de pollution, fixé à un équipement de rack
à l’intérieur d’un placard, d’une estrade, ou d’un bureau.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) is intended for indoor use only. It is to be connected only to
networks or circuits that are not routed to the outside plant or building.
L’alimentation via Ethernet (PoE) est destinée à une utilisation en intérieur uniquement.
Elle doit être connectée seulement à des réseaux ou des circuits qui ne sont pas
routés au réseau ou au bâtiment extérieur.
The installation must always be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, article 725 and the Canadian Electrical Code
part 1, section 16.
Cette installation doit toujours être en accord avec les mesures qui s’applique au
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA70, article725, et au Canadian Electrical Code,
partie1, section16.
The power supply shall not be permanently fixed to building structure or similar
La source d’alimentation ne devra pas être fixée de façon permanente à une structure
de bâtiment ou à une structure similaire.
mises en garde
TLP Pro 300M • Panel Features 8
Setup Menu
When the TLP Pro 300M is powered on, the currently loaded project is displayed. To access
the setup menu, press the Menu button (see figure 3, D, on page 6). There are six
available screens:
Project Information
To navigate between different screens, press the Menu icon in the top left corner.
The screen selection menu opens over the current screen, which is grayed out. The
menu has five buttons, corresponding to the five available screens:
Status EXIT
Figure 5. Screen Selection Menu
Press the name of the screen you wish to open.
Press the Exit button in the top right corner of the screen to close the menu screens.
TLP Pro 300M • Setup Menu 9
This screen opens by default. To
access the Status screen from any
other part of the setup menu, press the
Menu icon in the top left corner and
then press the Status button.
Figure 6 shows the entire Status
screen. Because of size of the
touchscreen, you can only see part
of the Status screen at any time.
Scroll up or down within the screen to
The Status screen is a read-only
screen that provides basic information
about the touchpanel. Each section
of the screen shows a summary of
the information on the other screens.
More information about each topic
can be found on the Network (see
page 11), Display (see page 14),
Audio (see page 15), Project
Information (see page 16), and
Advanced (see page 17) screens.
To navigate to the appropriate
screen, click the arrow (>) next to the
appropriate heading. Alternatively, you
can use the Menu icon in the top left
In the Network section, a green circle
with a white check mark is shown
next to the IP address, when there is
a network connection. If there is no
connection, the circle is red with a
white cross.
In the Advanced section, the same
icons are used to show if a control
processor is connected or not.
Status EXIT
Device Information
TLP Pro 300M
Part Number
IP Address
Sleep Timer
System Volume
System Mute
Project Information
System Project Name
GUI Project Name
Primary Controller Address
System ID
1 / 4313 MB
Figure 6. Status Screen
TLP Pro 300M • Setup Menu 10
The image below shows the entire Network screen. Because of size of the touchscreen, you
can only see part of the screen at any time. Scroll up or down within the screen to navigate.
NOTE: The Cancel and Save buttons float so that they always appear at the bottom of
the screen, even when only the top part of the screen is displayed. They are used to
save changes to the network addresses or to cancel the changes without saving them.
Network EXIT
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DNS Primary
MAC Address
Domain Name
Network EXIT
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DNS Primary
MAC Address
Domain Name
Figure 7. Network Screen: DHCP on (left) and DHCP off (right)
The Domain Name and MAC Address are read-only.
1. If the IP addresses are assigned by DHCP, move the DHCP slider to the right, as shown in
figure 7 (left).
When DHCP is on, the Host Name can be edited by pressing the right arrow (>).
There are no arrows next to the addresses and they cannot be edited because
they are set by the DHCP server.
When DHCP is off, the arrow next to the Host Name disappears and it cannot
be edited. Arrows next to the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS
Primary allow them to be edited.
If IP addresses are assigned manually, move the DHCP slider to the left, as shown in
figure 7 (right).
TLP Pro 300M • Setup Menu 11
2. If DHCP is on, press the arrow next to the Host Name button to edit the host name. The
Host Name dialog box opens:
asdfgh jkl
Figure 8. Host Name Dialog Box
Use the keypad to enter a new name, which appears in the Host Name text box.
TLP Pro 300M • Setup Menu 12