GE Monogram Refrigerator refrigerator Manuel utilisateur

Manuel utilisateur

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Built-In Refrigerators
49-60559-1 1
05-08 JR
Consumer Information
Buibfn Refrigerators
Consumer Services
Important Phone Numbers .................. 29
Model and Serial Numbers ................... 3
Problem Solver ......................... 24-26
Product Registration ......................... 5
Safetg Instructions ........................ 4-7
Smartwater Filter Performance
Data Sheet ................................. 27
State of California
Water Treatment Device Certificate ......... 28
Warrantg ......................... Back Cover
Cure and Cleaning
Cleaning-Outside and Inside ............... 19
Light Bulb Replacement ................ 20-21
Moving and Vacation ....................... 22
Master Light Switch ........................ 21
Operuting Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ........................ 12
Climate Control Drawer .............. 13, 14, 16
Control Lock ................................ 14
Ice and Water Dispenser ................ 10, ll
Shelves and Bins ........................ Z7, 18
Storage Pans ........................... ZS, 16
Temperature Controls ........................ 8
Water Filter Cartridge ........................ 9
Sabbath Mode Product Kit, ZSAB1 ........... Z8
Consumer Information
Built-In Refrigerators
using btour
Read this manual carefully. It is intended
to help you operate and maintain your new
refrigerator properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
If you don't understand something or need more
help, there is a list of toll-free consumer service
numbers included in the back section of this
Visit our website at:
down the
model &
You'll see them on a label in the lower right hand
side of the fresh food comportment beneath
the climate control drawer.
These numbers are also on the Consumer
Product Ownership Registration Card
included with this manual.
Before sending in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbers in any correspondence or
service calls concerning your refrigerator.
If btou
received a
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that
sold you the refrigerator.
Save time
& monebf
Before you request service, check the
Problem Solver in the back of this manual.
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
you can correct yourself.
If btou
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services
page in the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want you to be
pleased. If for some reason you are not happy
with the service you receive, here are steps to
follow for further help.
For customers in the USA:
FIRST,contact the people who serviced your
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if you are still not pleased, write all the
details-including your phone number-to:
Manager, Customer Relations
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY40225
For customers in Canada:
ARST,contact the people who serviced your
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if you are still not pleased,write all
the detailsdncluding your phone number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
Mabe Canada inc.
1 Factory Lane, Suite 510
Moncton, N.B.E1C9M3
WARNING - Whenusing
this appliance, alwags exercise basic safetg
precautions, including the following:
, Use this appliance onlg for its intended
purpose as described inthis Owner's Manual.
This refrigerator must be properly installed
in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow children to climb, stand or
hang on the shelves in the refrigerator.
Theg could damage the refrigerator and
seriousl Uinjure themselves.
After gour refrigerator is in operation,
do not touch the cold surfaces in the
freezer compartment, particularly when
hands are damp or wet. Skin mag adhere
to these extremelg cold surfaces.
Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
In refrigerators with an automatic icemaker,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating
element located on the bottom of the
icemaker. Do not place fingers or hands
on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refrigerator is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas:
clearances between the doors and between
the doors and cabinet are necessaril 9 small.
Be careful closing doors when children are
in the area.
Unplug gour refrigerator before cleaning
and making repairs. NOTE:We strongl 9
recommend that an9 servicing be performed
bg a qualified individual.
Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,
set the Master Light switch in the OFFposition
to turn off the lights in order to avoid contact
with a live wire filament. (Aburned-out light
bulb mag break when being replaced.)
NOTE:Setting the refrigerator temperature
controls to OFF does not remove power
to the light circuit.
Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completelg.
Child entrapment and suffocation are not
problems of the past. Junked or abandoned
refrigeration products are still dangerous.., even
if theg will sit for "just a few dags/' If gou are
getting rid of gour old appliance, please follow
these instructions to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Awag Your Old Refrigeration
Take off the doors.
Leave the shelves in place so that children
mag not easilg climb inside.
All refrigeration products contain refrigerants,
which under federal law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If gou are getting rid of
an old refrigeration product, check with the
compang handling the disposal about what
to do.
vous utilisez le r@frig@rateur,observez
toujours certaines pr@cautions de base,
notamment :
N'utilisez le r@frig@rateurque pour son usage
pr@vu,comme d6crit dans le present manuel.
lnstallez le r_fr@@ateur conform_ment aux
directives d'installation avant de Futiliser.
Ne laissez pas les enfants gdmper, s'asseoir,
se tenir debout ni se pendre au× dagettes
du r_fdg_rateur. IIspourraient endommager
le r_frig@ateur et se blesser gravement.
Une lois le r@frig@rateuren marche,
ne touchez pas les surfaces froides
du cong@lateur, surtout si vous avez
les mains humides ou mouill@es :la peau
risque d'adh6rer 6 ces surfaces tr@sfroides.
N'entreposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence
ou autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables
6 pro×imit_ de cat appareil ou de tout autre
appareil _lectrom_nager.
Pour les r@frig@ateurs dot@sd'une machine
6 glaqons automatique, 6vitez le contact avec
les pi@cesmobiles du m@canisme@jecteur,
ou avec I'@l@mentchauffant situ@6 la partie
[nf6deure de la machine 6 glaqons. Ne posez
pas les do[gts ou les mains sur le m6canisme
de la machine 6 glagons pendant que
le r@fdg@ateurest branch,.
t_loignez les doigts des parties du
r@frig@rateuro@Fan peut fadlement
se pincer : les espaces entre les portes
etles placards sont toujours @traits.Sogez
prudent Iorsque vous fermez les portes
de Fapparefl en pr6sence des enfants.
D@branchez votre r@frig@rateur avant
de le nettoger et de le r@parer.REMARQUE:
Nous vous recorr_rnandons vivernent de confier
toute r_paration 6 un technicien qualifi@.
Avant de remplacer une ampoule grill@e,
mettez le commutateur de lumi@reprincipale
en position OFF (arr_t) pour @eindre la lumi_re
afin d'6viter tout contact avec un fil sous
tension. (Une ampoule grill_e peut se briser
pendant Fop@ration).REP1ARQUE: Lorsque
vous placez lescommandes de temp@ature
du r6fdg@ateur sur OFF (arr_t), I'alimentation
@lectriquede I'ampoule n'est pas couple.
Ne faites PASrecongeler des aliments
surgel@squi ant compl@tement d@gel@.
Les enfants pds au pi@geou marts d'asphgxie
sont toujours d'actualit_. Lesappareils de
r@frig_ration abandon@ssont toujours aussi
dangereux, m@mesi on n'attend que "quelque
jours" pour s'en d@barasser.Si vous ne gardez
pas votre ancien appareil, veuillez suivre
les directives cPdessous afin de pr_venir
les accidents.
Avant de vous d_barasser de votre vieux
apparefl de r_fdg@ation :
D_montez les portes.
Laissez les dagettes en place afin d'emp_cher
les enfants de gdmper 6 Fint@ieur.
Tousles apparefls de r_frig@ration
contiennent des r_frig_rants qui, conform_ment
aux lois f_d@rales,doivent @treenlev_s avant
toute _limination de Fappareik Sivous vous
d@barrassezde vieux apparefls de r_frig@ation,
v@ifiez,aupr_s de la soci@t_qui s'occupe
de leur _limination, ce que vous devez faire.
Do not, under ang circumstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) prong from the
power cord. For personal safety, this appliance
must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibilitg of electric shock
hazard from this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked
bg a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet
is propedg grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encountered, it is gour personal responsibilitg
and obligation to have it replaced with
a propedg grounded 3@rang wall outlet.
Use ofa GFt (Ground Fault tnterruptor) is not
recommended for the refrigerator outlet.
The appliance should alwags be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet which has
a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best performance and also
prevents overloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a fire hazard from
overheated wires.
Never unplug an appliance bg pulling on
the power cord. Alwags grip the plug firmlg
and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repairor replace immediatelg all power cords
that have become fraged or otherwise damaged.
Donot use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion
damage along its length or at either end.
When moving the appliance, be careful not to
roll over or damage the power cord.
Ne coupez ni retirez en aucun cas
ia troisi_me broche (raise 6 la terra) de la fiche
du cordon d'alimentation. Pour votre s_curit_,
cat appareil doit @tre correctement mis
la terra.
Le cordon d'alimentation de cet appareil est
muni d'une fiche @3 broches (mise @la terre)
qui se branche dans une prise mural ordinaire
6 3 alv@oles(mise @la terre) pour r6duire
au minimum les risques du chocs 61ectriques.
Faites examiner la prise de courant et le circuit
par un @lectriden qualifi@pour vous assurer
que la prise est correctement mise 6 la terre.
Si la prise murale est du tgpe standard
2 alv@oles,il vous incombe de la faire
remplacer par une prise 6 3 alv@oles
correctement mise 6 la terre.
L'utiiisation d'un interrupteur de d@faut
la terra (GFI-Ground Fault lnterruptor)
n@stpas recommand@ pour la prise
de courant du r@frig@rateun
La machine 6 glaqons doit toujours Ctre branch6
dans sa propre prise de courant, dont la tension
nominale est identique 8 celle indiqu6e sur
la plaque signal@tique.Cette precaution est
recommand@e pour garantir un rendement
optimum et 6viter une surcharge des circuits
@lectriquesde la r6sidence, ce qui pourrait crier
un risque d'incendie par surschauffe des ills.
Ned6branchez jamais I'appareil en tirant
le cordon d'alimentation. Saisissezfermement
la fiche du cordon et tirez droit pour la retirer
de la prise.
R_parez ou remplacez imm6diatement tout
cordon effiloch6 ou endommag@. N'utilisez
pas un cordon fendill_ ou pr@sentantdes
signes d'usure.
Lorsque vous d6placez I'appareil du mur,
faites attention de ne pas la faire rouier
sur le cordon d'aiimentation afin de ne pas
Tem perature Controls
Builtqn Refrigerators
Preset Settings:
Allow 24 hours to reach these preset temperatures.
The temperature display shows the actual
temperature of the freezer and fresh food
compartments. The actual temperature will vary
from the set temperature based on factors such
as door opening, amount of food, defrost cycling
and room temperature.
NOTE:Frequent door openings or door left open
for periods of time may increase the internal
temperature of the freezer and fresh food
compartments temporarily.
To turn off the cooling system in both
the freezer and fresh food compartments, press
either (-2)pad until both displays show OFF.
To turn the cooling system on, press either
Q_ pad. The preset temperatures of 0% and 37%
will appear in the display.
To check the current temperature setting
for the fresh food or freezer compartment,
press the (2) or Q'_ pad once. After 5seconds,
the display will return to the actual temperature.
To change the temperature settings, press
the _(-2)or (_ pads to desired temperature set
point for fresh food and freezer separately.
Allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you have set.
Fresh Food
Temperature Ranges
Low High
34°F 45%
loc 7oc
-6OF +6OF
-21oc -14°C
NOTE:Setting the controls to OFFstops
cooling, but does not shut off electrical power
to the refrigerator.
displa d
from °F to °C
Tochange the temperature display
between Fahrenheit and Celsius, press
Temp Display °C/°F.
To turn the Door Alarm feature on, press
DOOR ALARM once. The ACTIVE light will come
on. To turn it off, press it again.
On models with a dispenser, the Door Alarm
feature is located on the dispenser panel on
the front of the freezer door.
is active, the alarm will flash
and beep if you keep the door
open for more than 2 minutes. ®
Water Filter Cartridge
Builtqn Refrigerators
Water filter
Thewater filter cartridge islocated inthe top
machine compartment of the refrigerator.
To Replacethe Filter:
Thefilter cartridge isdesigned tf_Es_['_
to fitter 300 gallons of water
(lasting approximately 12 months). ¢
Thereisa replacement indicator light
for the water filter cartridge on the temperature
control panel.Thislight will turn yellow to tell
you that you need to replacethe filter soon.
Thefilter cartridge should be replaced when
the replacement indicator light turns red
or ifthe flow of water to the dispenser
or icemaker decreases.
installingthe Filter Cartridge:
1. Removethe old cartridge by slowly turning
it to the left. A small amount of water may
drip down. Do not pull down on the cartridge.
2. Fillthe new cartridge with water from the tap
to allow for better flow immediately offer
3. Line up the arrow on the cartridge with
the center of the holder.Do not push it up
into the holder.
4. Slowly turn it to the right until the cartridge
stops. It will rotate (]bout 1/4 turn. DO NOT
To Resetthe Filter Status Light:
Pressand hold the RESETpad for 3 seconds.
Filter Bypass Plug:
Youmust usethe filter bypass plug:
al if you hovea household
reverseosmosis water system
and/or another form of home
water filtration system
bl if a replacement filter isnot
Thebypass plug and the mini-manual are located
in the top machine compartment.
Theicemaker and dispenser will not operate
without the filter or filter bypass pluginstalled.
Replacement filters:
Toorder additional filter cartridges inthe United
States, visit our Website at, or
call GEParts and Accessories,800.626.2002.
Replacement filter cartridge: MWF
Customers in Canadashould consult the yellow
pagesfor the nearest MabeServiceCenter.
_"_ Cartridge
Slowly turn it to the right,
Do not overtighten,
iMPORTANTNOTE:Remove the water filter to
immediately stop any water leak from the
IcemakeriDispenser system. The water filter
cartridge holder (bracket) acts as a cut-off valve
when the filter is removed and will prevent
further leaking.
Call 1.800.844,1845 to schedule a service call
to repair the leak.
Ice & Water Dispenser (on some models)
Builtqn Refrigerators
How it Works
The electronic controls on the dispenser are
truly interactive. The control panel isequipped
with a proximity sensor that causes the panel to
light up as you approach the dispenser (approx.
2 inches).To make u selection, simply touch
the graphic for the feature you want, and the
halo for that feature will light up. When you walk
away from the refrigerator, the lighted graphics
switch off automatically.
Spill Shelf
How to Use
Todispensewater or ice:selectWATER9, CUBED
ICE_7or CRUSHEDICE_. Then pressthe gloss
gently against the top of the dispensercradle.
The spill shelf is not self-draining. To reduce
water spotting, the shelf and its grille should be
cleaned regularly.
If no water is dispensed when the refrigerator
is first installed, there may be air in the water
line system. Pressthe dispenser cradle for at
least two minutes to remove trapped air from
the water line and to fill the water system.
Toflush out impurities in the water line,
throw away the first gallon of water.
CAUTION: Neverputfingers
or any other objects into the ice crusher
discharge opening.
Locking the Dispenser:
5 seconds to lock the dispenser
and control pad. To unlock, touch
it again for 5seconds.
Dispenser Light:
This feature turns the night light
on and off. The light also comes
on when the dispenser cradle is
pressed. If this light burns out, it
should be replaced with a rowatt
12V maximum bulb. The bulb is available
through GEParts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
Order part number WR02X10675.
Door Alarm:
Toturn the Door Alarm feature on,
touch DOORALARM once. To turn
it off, press it again.
is active, the alarm will flash and beep if you
keep the door open for more than 2 minutes.
Ice & Water Dispenser (on some models)
Built-In Refrigerators
Ice storage
To remove:
Lift up the access door to reach the icemaker.
Set the icemaker power switch to the OFF
position. With the access door closed, support
the storage bin at the bottom while slightlg
lifting. Pull bin straight out.
Ice Storage "_
To replace:
Slide the bin back until the tab on the bin locks
into the slot on the shelf. If the bin does not go
all the wag back, remove it and rotate the drive
mechanism 1/4 turn. Then push the bin back
facts about
your ice
& water
Donot add icefrom trags or bags to
the storage bin. It mag not crush or
dispense well.
Avoid overfilling glass with ice and use
of narrow or extra4all glasses. Backed-up
ice can jam the chute or cause the door in
the chute to freeze shut. If ice is blocking
the chute, poke it through with a wooden
Beverages and foods should not be
quick-chilled inthe ice storage bin. Cans,
bottles or food packages in the storage bin
mag cause the icemaker or auger to jam.
To keep dispensed ice from missing
the glass, put the glass close to, but not
touching, the dispenser opening.
Some crushed ice mag be dispensed even
though gou selected CUBES.This happens
occasionallg when a few cubes accidentallg
get directed to the crusher.
After crushed ice is dispensed, some water
mag drip from the chute.
Sometimes a mound of ice chips will form
on the door in the ice chute. This condition
is normal and usuallg occurs when gou have
dispensed crushed ice repeatedlg. The ice
chips will eventuallg evaporate.
Dispensed water isnot ice cold. For colder
water, simplg add crushed ice or cubes before
dispensing water.
The first glass of water dispensed mag
be warmer than the following ones.
This isnormal.
Toeliminate drips on the spill shelf, tilt
the glass in slightlg when dispensing water.
Autom(]tic Icem(]ker
Builtqn Refrigerators
A newly-installed refrigerator may take
12-24 hours to begin making ice.
The icemaker will produce seven cubes per
cgde-approximatelg 15 cgdes in a 24-hour
period, depending on freezer compartment
temperature, room temperature, number of
door openings and other use conditions.
If the refrigerator is operated before the water
connection is made to the icemaker, set the
power switch to OFF.
When the refrigerator has been connected
to the water supplg, set the power switch to ON.
Throw awag the first full bucket of ice.
Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep
of the feeler arm.
When the bin fills to the level of the feeler arm,
the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is normal for several cubes to bejoined
If ice is not used frequentlg, old ice cubes
will become doudg, taste stale and shrink.
Switch Feeler Arm
After the icemaker has been turned on again,
there will be a delag of about 45 minutes before
the icemaker resumes operations.
NOTE:In homes with lower-than-average
water pressure, gou mag hear the icemaker
water valve cgde on several times when
making one batch of ice.
NOTE: Icemaker works best between
40 and 120 PSI home water pressure.
Climate Control Drawer
Built-In Refrigerators
How it Works
TheClimate Control feature isa system of
dampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor,and a
heater.TheClimateControl drawer can be usedto
chill itemsquickly, thaw foods quickly or store items
at their optimum temperatures.
Thedrawer istightly sealedto prevent the drawer's
temperature from causing temperature fluctuations
in the restof the refrigerator.
SELECTTEHP--Use this feature to store items at
their optimum temperatures. The CITRUSsetting
will maintain a drawer temperature of 39-47°F
by cycling a small heater off and on as needed.
The PRODUCEsetting will maintain the drawer
temperature at 31-38°F by drawing in additional
cold air as needed. The MEATsetting will
maintain the drawer temperature at 27-37°F
by drawing in additional cold air as needed.
EXPRESSCHILL--This feature can be used
to cool items in minutes, rather than hours.
Extra cool air is circulated throughout the
drawer. Once the cycle iscomplete, the drawer
will revert to the pre-set fresh food temperature.
EXPRESSTHAW--This feature thaws items
in hours rather than days. Food is gently
thawed in a cool environment by circulating
air throughout the drawer. Temperature is
maintained in the drawer by cycling a small
heater off and on as needed. Once the thaw
cycle is complete, the pan will automatically
adjust to atemperature of 27-37°F to store
the food at its optimum temperature.
NOTE:By turning the controls on the Climate
Control drawer off, the drawer can be used as
a standard sealed produce pan.
...... . _.. j _M,. ®\ j ..... _,\j
How to Use
1 Empty the drawer. Place the items in
the drawer.
Select the Express Thaw,TM Express Chilt TM
or Select TempTM pad. The display will come
on. Pressthe pad until the light appears next
to the desired setting. Usethe chart on
the next page to determine the best setting.
* Tostop a feature before it is finished,
press that feature's pad until no options
are selected and the display is off.
* During Express Thaw TM and Express Chill,TM
the display on the controls will count down
the time remaining in the cycle.
After the Express Thaw TM cycle is
complete, the drawer will reset to the NEAT
setting (27-37°F) to help preserve thawed
items until they are used.
The displayed actual temperature of
the Climate Control drawer may vary slightly
from the SETtemperature based on usage
and operation environment.
NOTE:For food safety reasons, it is
recommended that foods be wrapped in
plastic wrap when using Express Thaw.TM
This will help contain meatjuices and
improve thawing performance.
Express Thaw TM
Climate Control Drawer
Builtdn Refrigerators
NOTE:Results may vary depending on packaging, starting temperature and other food traits.
Citrus Setting (39=47°F}
Produce Setting (31-38°F)
Kiwifruit, Pears,Cherries,
Meet Setting I27-37°F}
Raw Meat, Fishand Poultry
15 Minutes
1 BeverageCan(12 oz)
2 SmallJuice Boxes
0.5 Lbs.14hours}
, IndividuallyWrapped
FiletMignon (0.5Ib)
, Hamburger Patties(0.5Ib)
30 Minutes
, Wine (750 ml bottle)
, 2 to 6 BeverageCans
, 2 Plastic20 oz Bottles
of Beverage
, 4 to 6 SmallJuice Boxes
(6-8 ozeach)
, 3 FoilJuice Packets
45 Minutes
, 2 Literof Beverage
, 1/2 Gallon of Juice
, Gelatin--1 package
1.5Lbs.(8 hours}
, Chicken Breasts(1.5Ibs)
, Ground Beef(1.5 Ibs)
, Steak(1.5 Ibs)
3.0Lbs. 112hours}
, Chicken Breasts(3.0Ibs)
, Ground Beef(3.0 Ibs)
, Steak(3.0 Ibs)
Control Lock
Press and hold this pad for 3 seconds to lock
the settings for the Climate Control drawen
To unlock, press and hold for another 3 seconds.
Storage Pans and Climate Control Drawer
Built-In Refrigerators
dell pan
Use the Sealed Deli Pan for the convenient
storage of lunch meats and cheese, hors
d'oeuvres, spreads and snacks. The pan and
shelf to which it is attached can be adjusted
to ang height.
Thetop pan is designed to provide constant high
humiditg levels.
Make sure the drawers are closed completelg
to maintain the correct humiditg level.
and pan
To remove a drawer or pan:
1. Pullthe pan out to the stop position.
2. Lift the front of the pun up and out of
the wire holder.
S. Lift the back of the pan up and out.
To replace a pan:
1. Placethe back of the pan in the wire
holder, making sure the wire holder fits
into the grooves on the back of the pan.
Lower the front of the pan into the wire holder.
Pressfirmlg on the top of the pan to snap it
into the wire holder.
Drop Down Shelf and Lighted Drawer Cover
Built-In Refrigerators
Drop down
The drop-down shelf gives gou the use
of another fulbsize shelf when gou need extra
storage. It convenientlg folds back out
of the wag when not in use, giving gou room
for storage of larger items.
To use drop down shelf:
1. Pullforward and down to drop the shelf
into place.
2. Pullforward while lifting up to place the shelf
out of the wag.
The lighted vegetable drawer cover provides
lighting for the lower comportments. The lights
are recessed into the cover to illuminate
the drawers below.
To remove cover:
1. Remove the top drawer (seeDrawer and pan
removal section).
2. Push down gentlg at the back center
of the climate control drawer cover to release
the bottom of the water tank cover. Pull out
and down to remove the water tank cover
and expose the wire harness.
3. Remove the thumb screw located inside
the front left corner under the cover.
This screw is in place so the cover cannot
be accidentallg dislocated while in use.
4. Lift the cover and carefullg pull forward
to expose the wires.
5. Unplug the cover and carefullg remove it from
the refrigerator.
To replace cover:
1. Carefullg set cover onto the side rails, leaving
the plug exposed.
2. Plug the cover into the refrigerator.
:3.Carefullg slide the cover into place.
4. Replace the thumb screw under the front edge
of the cover.
Insertthe water tank cover top first sothat
itgoes up behind the gasket hanging down
from the vegetable drawer cover.Gentlg push
the bottom of the water tank cover until
the bottom snaps into the top of the Climate
Control Drawer Cover.
6. Replacethe drawer (seeDrawer and pan
removal section).
Water Tank
Thumb Screw
Water Tank Cover
Climate Control
Drawer Cover
Shelves and Bins
Builtdn Refrigerators
How to
bfour shelves
Tempered glass shelves in the fresh food
compartment and wire shelves in the freezer
compartment are adjustable, enabling you to
make efficient shelf arrangements to fit your
family's food storage needs.
To remove shelves:
Tilt shelf up at front, then lift it up and out
of tracks on rear wall of refrigerator.
To replace shelves:
Select desired shelf height. With shelf front
raised slightly, engage top lugs in tracks at rear
of cabinet. Then lower front of shelf until it locks
into position.
Door bins
All door bins, except for the deep gallon door bin,
are adjustable using one of 2 tabs on each end
of the bin. They can be moved up and down to
many different positions to meet your storage
needs. The deep gallon door bin can be removed
for cleaning.
To remove any bin:
Lift the bin up and slide it toward you.
Door Bin !
Door Bin X_
wine rack
The rack can be attached to the left or
right side of any shelf, it is designed to hold
a bottle, including a 2 liter bottle, on its side.
Shelves and Bins
Builtdn Refrigerators
Wire slide-out freezer baskets can be pulled out
for easg access to frozen foods.
To remove:
Pull basket out. Lift the front of the basket up
and then take it out.
Product Kit
(available at
extra cost)
The Sabbath Mode Product Kit was designed
for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidags.
The Sabbath Mode feature makes it possible
for observant Jews to refrigerate and freeze
food during the duration of the holidag.
The Sabbath Mode feature can be set to override
tgpical reactions to actions in gour refrigerator.
While in the Sabbath Mode, gour refrigerator will
still operate normallg. However, the refrigerator
will not respond to gour actions.
While in the Sabbath Mode, gou mag notice
the fan running when the door is opened;
however, this is not a result of gour actions.
Thefan will operate at random times.
The defrost heater will continue to defrost
the refrigerator and freezer and will be activated
on a timer. The defrost heater will not defrost
as a result of door openings or ang consumer
ONIOFF--To activate, raise the top grille
panel and set the Sabbath Mode switch to
the ON position. A green LEDlight will bevisible
below the Sabbath Mode Kit switch. The light will
be visible when the grille is closed between the
grille door and compartment doors.
temperature control and Express Chill displags
will be deactivated; therefore theg will not be lit,
sound a tone or operate when touched. Door
alarms and lights will be disabled.
ICE and WATER DISPENSER--The proximitg
sensor and dispenser touch sensor icons will
not operate. Ice or water cannot be retrieved
from the dispenser.
ICEHAKER--The icemaker will continue
to operate. The icemaker can be disabled bg
opening the freezer, opening the ice storage bin
door and setting the icemaker power switch to
the OFF position (see Automatic tcemaker).
To obtain ice, open the freezer door and remove
the cubed ice from the ice bin.
This Sabbath Mode Product Kit can be purchased
from gour local appliance dealer.The ZSAB1Kit
is designed for usewith all Monogram Builtdn
Refrigerators manufactured after 2008.
Tolocate gour nearest dealer,visit our web site orcall &.800.626.2000.InCanada,
call 1.800.561.33/4/4.Order Kit# ZSAB1.
NOTE:The Sabbath Mode Product Kit must
be installed bg a qualified service technician.
Care and Cleaning
Builtdn Refrigerators
The dispenser spill shelf
and the area beneath it
should be cleaned
periodically with a mild liquid dish detergent.
Dispenser cradle--Before cleaning, lock
the dispenser by touching CONTROLLOCKfor
3 seconds to prevent activating the dispenser.
Clean with warm water and a mild liquid dish
detergent. Rinsethoroughly and wipe dry.
Unlock the dispenser by touching CONTROL
LOCKfor 3 seconds.
Do not use chemical cleaners to clean
the dispenser or any part of the dispenser.
Door handles and trim-Clean with a cloth
dampened with soapy water. Dry with a soft
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dampened with mild liquid dish
detergent. Dry with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled
dish cloth or wet towel. These may leave
a residue that can damage the finish. Do not
use scouring pads, powdered cleaners, bleach
or cleaners containing bleach because these
products can scratch and damage the finish.
Stainless steel--Regularly clean and polish
the stainless steel door panels and handles
(on some models)with a commercially available
stainless steel cleaner such as Stainless Steel
ff4agicTM to preserve and protect the fine finish.
Stainless Steel Hagic and the Monogram
polishing cloth are available through GEParts
and Accessories,800.626.2002,or
ForStainless Steel ff4agic,order part number
WXZ0X15. For Monogram polishing cloth,
order part number WX72X10001.
Do not use appliance wax or polish on
the stainless steel.
Turn off power at the circuit breaker or fuse
box before cleaning. If this is not practical, wring
excess moisture out of sponge or cloth when
cleaning around switches, lights or controls.
Use warm water and baking soda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) of water. This both cleans
and neutralizes odors. Thoroughly rinse
and wipe dry.
Other parts of the refrigerator-including
door gaskets, meat and vegetable drawers,
ice storage bin and all plastic parts-can be
cleaned the same way.
Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts
in the dishwasher.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot
water because the extreme temperature
difference may cause them to break. Handle
glass shelves carefully. Rough handling of
tempered glass can cause it to shatter.
NOTE:Interior lights may get too hot and turn
off automatically if the refrigerator door is left
open too long. This is normal and they will turn
back on when they cool down.
Care and Cleaning
Builtdn Refrigerators
Light bulb
WARNING - Halogenlightsgenerate
intense heat. Be certain power isoff and lamps
have sufficient time to cool before attempting
to replace.
Power to the lamps can be turned off at
the Master Light switch located behind
the grille panel at the top of the refrigerator.
There is a switch for the freezer and a switch
for the fresh food compartment.
Turning the temperature control to OFF
does NOT remove power to the light circuits.
Les ampoules halog_nes produisent une chaleur
intense. Assurez-vous de bien couper le courant
et de laisser suffisamment de temps aux
ampoules pour leur permettre de se refroidir
avant d'essager de les remplacer.
Vous pouvez couper le courant en utilisant
le commutateur de lumi_re pdncipale situ@
derri@re le panneau grillag@ en haut du
r6frig@ateur. IIg a un commutateur pour le
compartiment cong@lateur et un commutateur
pour le compartiment r@frig@rateur.
Vous NECOUPEZPASI'alimentation 61ectrique
du r6frig@ateur des circuits de lumi_res en
mettant le bouton de contrSle de temp@rature
en position OFF (arr@).
The refrigerator uses a halogen bulb:
The columns along the back wall
of the fresh food and freezer compartments
are lit up bg lamps located behind the top pan
in the fresh food compartment and the bottom
basket in the freezer compartment.
These bulbs have a life expectancg of
about 2000 hours. However, if the bulbs
do need to be replaced, theg can be
purchased at hardware, general retail
and home improvement stores or through
GEParts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
This is a 35 watt, ]2 volt,
Tgpe MR11 bulb.
If ordering through
GEParts and Accessories,
order port WRO2XlI283.
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GE Monogram Refrigerator refrigerator Manuel utilisateur

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