Error Code List on LCD Display
Error Code Description of Error Solutions
STANDBY There is no cookware or no suitable • Make sure your pot/pan is
blinking and cookware on the range. The power induction ready.
audible beep will completely shut off within 60 • C heck diameter of pot/pan; it must
seconds if there is no cookware have a flat bottom between 4.75"
or the wrong type of cookware on and 10"
the unit. in diameter.
E1 Voltage is under 100V. Check electrical specifications
of power source.
E2 Voltage is over 275V.
E3 The housing or interior parts may Contact the nearest
be damaged or defective. authorized service facility for
troubleshooting, repair and
E5 The temperature sensor Contact the nearest
underneath the cooking area is authorized service facility for
defective or there is a short circuit. troubleshooting, repair and
The housing or interior parts may adjustment.
be damaged or defective.
E6 The thermal protection has shut the Unplug the unit and let cool for
unit off due to overheating in the 20 minutes. Plug the unit back
TEMP mode. in and continue use. If the range
still does not function, contact the
nearest authorized service facility
for troubleshooting, repair and
E7 The temperature inside the unit is Unplug the unit and let cool for
too hot. 20 minutes. Once the range has
completely cooled, be sure it is
positioned away from the wall and
there are no obstructions to the
airflow. Plug the unit back in and
continue use. If it still doesn’t work,
parts may be damaged. Contact the
nearest authorized service facility
for troubleshooting, repair and
E9 Temperature sensor is defective. Change pot and restart the induction.
Issue is caused by a concave pot. If there is no issue with the pot,
restart the unit. If the error code still
shows, please contact the nearest
authorized service facility for trouble
shooting, repair and adjustment.