Data Interfaces
Data Interfaces
Configuring the Data
Interface as a COM Port
Configure the interface as a COM port
in the Setup menu under COM1 or
UniCOM, under the “Data Protocol"
(datprot) menu item.
SBI Communication
This is a simple ASCII interface.
Data output is configured under menu
lines 6.1 and 6.3:
– Manual output of displayed value with
or without stability (menu items 6.1.1
and 6.1.2)
– Automatic output of displayed value
with or without stability (menu items
6.1.4 and 6.1.5) at intervals defined by
display updates. The number of display
updates comprising an output interval
is configured under menu item 6.3.
– Output of a configurable printout.
Output is linked to the Printout
(prtprot) settings.
If you do not activate and configure a
user-definable data record, the print-
out simply contains the current value
displayed on the indicator (weight with
unit, calculated value, alphanumeric
SMA Communication
Standardized communications protocol
of the Scale Manufacturers Association
Data Input Format
You can connect a computer to your
display and control unit to send com-
mands controlling weighing instrument
functions and applications via the inter-
face port.
All commands use the same format
(data input format) starting with the
ESC character (ASCII 27) and ending
with a carriage return (CR; ASCII 13)
and a line feed (LF; ASCII 10). The total
length of a command is anywhere from
4 characters (1 command character
between the start and end described
above) to 7 characters (4 command
The table below shows the available
command characters; each command
must be flanked by the start and end
characters as described above.
Example: The command character for
output is “P" (“transmit readout value").
The string “ESC P CR LF" triggers this
Command Meaning
K Weighing mode 1
L Weighing mode 2
M Weighing mode 3
N Weighing mode 4
O Block keys
P Output readout
to data interface
R Unblock keys
T Tare and zero
(combination tare function)
f3_ Zero (see also the
“kZE_" command)
f4_ Tare (without zeroing;
as the “kT_" command)
kF1_ F1: Trigger k key function
kF2_ F2: Trigger c key function
(Midrics 2 only)
kF3_ F3: Trigger r key function
(Midrics 2 only)
kF4_ F4: Trigger O key function
(Midrics 2 only)
kF5_ F5: Trigger w key function
(Midrics 2 only)
Command Meaning
kF6_ F6: Trigger I key function
(Midrics 2 only)
KF7_ d key
kCF_ CF: Trigger c key function
(Midrics 2 only)
kP_ Trigger p key function
Output to printer port
kT_ Trigger T key function
kZE_ Trigger ( key function
x1_ Output model designation
of active weighing instrument.
Example: “LP6200S-0C"
x2_ Output serial number
of active weighing instrument;
Example: “0012345678"
x3_ Output software version
of active weighing instrument;
Example: “00-20-04"
z1_ Activate input for printout
header 1
z2_ Activate input for printout
header 2
txx...x_ xx...x: Enter letters
Length acc. to input
(Midrics 2 only)
The ASCII code for the “underline"
character is 95.
Format for entering printout header
lines: “ESC z x a ... a _ CR LF" where
x=(header line) 1 or 2, and a ... a: = up
to 20 characters of text, followed by the
“underline" character, carriage return
and line feed.