Guessing the Country
You must attempt to guess the mystery country after the third and final clue.
Your left-hand neighbor checks if the answer is correct:
• It’s the right country!
Well done! You may move your play figure in a clockwise direction towards the start/
finish square.
> after hearing one clue = 3 squares
> after hearing two clues = 2 squares
> after hearing three clues = 1 square
• Wrong country!
Oh dear, that’s a shame! Unfortunately, you are not allowed to advance your play
figure. But you receive a joker card which is kept in front of you for use later in the
The country card is placed face up next to the game board. Now it is the turn of the left-
hand neighbor to put his or her knowledge of the countries of the world to the test. The
player on his or her left takes on the role of clue master.
The joker cards
The joker cards are an aid to guessing the country. If a player has
collected two joker cards, these must be returned when it is his or
her turn. The left-hand neighbor does not draw a new country card
but shuffles country cards that have already been played and draws
one without showing it. This is the card with which the game con-
tinues. The player who has just surrendered the joker cards now
knows that the mystery country has already cropped up in the
game. Although, of course, he or she does not know which country
it is.
If the country cards in the face-down pile have all been used up, the new clue master takes
all of the country cards so far revealed except for the ten on top, shuffles them and stacks
them face down.
End of the game
When a player reaches or passes the start/finish square with his or her play figure, the cur-
rent round continues until everyone has had their final turn. This is because several other
players might also reach the start/finish square during the round. The winner is the player
whose play figure has advanced furthest. In the event that two or more players land on the
same square, the result is a tie