Mode d’emploi de l’interface audio
Environnement système de l’interface audio R16
Pour utiliser le logiciel DAW avec cette unité, vous devez l’installer et faire ses réglages pour l’employer
avec le R16. L’explication qui suit concerne la procédure avec Cubase LE4.
Veuillez vous référer au guide de prise en main de
Cubase LE 4/USB pour des instructions détaillées
sur l’installation du pilote audio R16 et de Cubase
LE 4.
Configurations informatiques
requises pour l’interface audio R16
Guide d’installation de Cubase LE 4
“PDF Manuals and Drivers” CD-ROM supplied with R16
Drivers>Windows “Setup.exe”
Download the latest “ZOOM R16 Audio Driver” from
ZOOM homepage (http://zoom.co.jp)
and install it on a computer.
ZOOM R16 Au dio Driver software is required t o enable us e of
Cubase LE 4 for au dio input and outp ut with a computer. Refer
to th e re ad_me fil e inc lude d in the d ownl oad p acka ge fo r
instructions on how to install the driver correctly.
[How to install the driver]
Double-click Setup.exe file to activate the installer.
Set language selection
Continued overleaf
Cubase LE 4
Startup Guide
This Cubase LE 4 Startup Guide explains how to install Cubase LE 4 on a computer, make connections and other settings for the R16.
Windows Vista / XP
To connec t the R16 t o a compute r running Wi ndows Vista
(or Windows XP) and to enable audio input/ output, proceed
as follows. Th e installation de scription uses Win dows Vista
as an example.
Insert the su pplied “ Cubase LE 4” DVD-ROM in to
the DVD dr ive of the co mputer.
When you insert the DVD-ROM, a screen a sking what you want
to do appears. Select “Open folder to view files”.
When the cont ents of the DVD-R OM a re s hown , ope n th e
Cubase LE 4 for Window s folder by double-cli cking on it , and
then double-click the executable “Setup” (“Setup.exe”) file to start
the installation process.
Bring up the “Sound” window from the Control Panel
and make the input device setting for the computer.
To bring up the “Sound” window, select “Control Panel” from the
Start menu and click “Hardware and Sound”, then click “Sound”.
In the “Sound” window, verify that “R16 Audio Interface” is liste d
under the Play and Recor d dev ices and that the d evice is
checked. (To switch between Play and Record, click the tabs at
the top of the window.)
If the device is not checked, right-click on the icon for the device
and click “Set as Default Device” so that a check mark appears.
When the connectio n is completed on the R16, it is reco gnized
by the computer.
If this is the first time to conn ect the R16, wait until the messag e
“Your devices are ready to use” appears.
Start “Found New hardware Wizard”
“Found New Hardware Wizard completed”
Click [Finish] to complete installation.
When the c onnec tion opera tion of th e R16 is f inish ed, i t is
recognized by the computer.
When connecting for the first time please w ait until the message
of "The device was able to be prepared" is displayed.
Click [Next ] to start
If y ou use SON ER,
sel ect In st all ati on
Plug In fo r Co ntr ol
Click [Insta ll] to start
Clic k [C ompl ete ] to
finish installation.
Choo se [No , no t t his
ti m e ] of W i nd o w s
Update and click[Next].
Cho os e [I nst al l th e
software automa tically]
and click [Next]to s tart
If noth ing hap pens w hen yo u inser t the DVD-ROM , open the St art
menu and sele ct “Computer ” (“My Compu ter” in Wind ows XP). The n
double-click the “Cubase LE 4” DVD-ROM icon to display the contents
of the DVD-ROM.
To use Cubase LE 4 continuously, it is necessary to have the User
Registration and the Software License Authentication. The Registration
and Authentication are available to be processed when Cubase LE 4 is
activated on a computer connected to the internet. Click “Register now”
which is shown when activating, enter all the items. If it is not recognized
as Registration, Cubase LE 4 can only be used for a limited period after
We recommend you upgrade the system software to the latest version on
the R16. An R16 operated on an old system may not be recognized
correctly. The latest version can also be downloaded from our homepage.
Use a hi gh-qual ity USB cable a nd keep the con nection as sho rt as
possible . If US B bus p ower is suppli ed to t he R16 v ia a US B cable
which is more tha n 3 mete rs i n le ngth , th e low vol tage war ning
indication may appear.
Choose language and
click [OK].
Set and connect the R16 to the computer
using a USB cable.
Connect USB cable to the R16
Connect USB cable
to computer
#7 &+1+ 06'4( #%'
Menu moves
#7& +1+0 6'4(# %'
5'6 6+0)
=%1 06+07 '?4' 5'6
Menu moves
Select of how to continue settings.
USB indicator
[DEVICE] flashes
INTERFACE flashes when the connection is complete Connection setting completed
How to set and connect the R16
Start InstallShield Wizard
Driver-Plug In selection screen
Ready to install the program
If a warning dialogue “Install software” appears, click [Continue].
If a warning dialogue “Windows security Driver Software Licensee
cannot be verified.” appears, click [Install this driver software].
*A message “ZOOM R16 Audio Driver (No Response)” may appear,
but it is not a problem. Wait until it responds.
InstallShield Wizard was completed
DAW software
Cubase LE 4 etc
Windows PC
USB cable
Audio system,
headphones or other
playback equipment
Audio components,
amp built-in
speakers etc
[INPUT 1-8]Jack
Guitar, other instrument or
built-in stereo mic
ZOOM R16 Audio Driver
If a warning dialogue “Install hardware” appears, click [Continue].
XP SP2 ou ultérieur/Windows
Vista SP1
ou ultérieur
4 Intel
1,8 GHz ou plus rapide
1Go de RAM minimum
Mac Intel
OS X 10.4.11 ou ultérieur/10.5 ou ultérieur
Processeur Core
Duo Intel
1,83 GHz ou plus
1Go de RAM minimum
Pour les deux
Port compatible USB 2.0
* Les systèmes d’exploitation 64 bits ne sont
pas pris en charge.
* Les concentrateurs (hubs) USB ne sont pas
pris en charge.
À propos des copies d’écran
Les copies d’écran concernent la version
À propos des marques déposées
· Le symbole SD et le symbole SDHC sont des marques commerciales.
· Windows
/Windows Vista
sont des marques commerciales ou déposées de Microsoft
· Macintosh
, Mac OS
et Logic sont des marques commerciales ou déposées d’Apple Inc.
· Steinberg et Cubase sont des marques commerciales ou déposées de Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH Inc.
· Intel
et Pentium
sont des marques commerciales ou déposées d’Intel Corporation.
· AMD Athlon
sont des marques commerciales ou déposées d’Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
· MACKIE Control est une marque commerciale ou déposée de LOUD Technologies.
· SONAR est une marque commerciale ou déposée de Cakewalk, Inc.
· Ableton Live est une marque commerciale ou déposée d’Ableton AG.
· Digital Performer est une marque commerciale ou déposée de Mark of the Unicorn.
· Les autres marques commerciales, noms de produit et noms de société mentionnés dans cette documentation sont la
propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.
· Toutes les marques commerciales et déposées mentionnées dans ce mode d’emploi ne le sont que dans un but d’identification
et non dans le but d’enfreindre les droits de leurs détenteurs respectifs.
R16-AI-Fr.indb 6 17/10/09 09:07