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Usage Notes
• To remain in conformance with European National spectrum usage regulations, frequency and channel limitations will be applied on the
products per the country where the equipment is deployed.
• Access points will support DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) and TPC (Transmit Power Control) functionality as required when operating
in 5 GHz within the EU.
5 GHz Wireless Frequency and Channel Operation in EEC Countries
The table below provides a list of allowable frequency ranges and channels in various EEC countries.
Allowable 802.11a Frequencies and Channels Countries
5.15-5.25 GHz (Channels 36, 40, 44, 48) Liechtenstein
5.15-5.25 GHz and 5.725-5.875 GHZ (Channels 36, 40, 44, 48,
149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169) Austria
5.15-5.35 GHz (Channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64) France
5.15-5.35 and 5.47-5.725 GHz (Channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56,
60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140)
Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, Luxembourg, U.K., Ireland,
Slovak, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy
5.15-5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.875 GHz (Channels 36, 40, 44, 48,
52, 56, 60, 64, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169) Czech Republic
License Information
The GigaSpire family uses Open Source software programs. Such software programs are made available subject to certain third-party terms and conditions.
The fact that you are about to begin using or have purchased this product requires that you be informed of the use of these software packages and or libraries and in some cases,
the third-party terms and conditions applicable to such software. This information can be found on the manufacturer’s support portal. Refer to the appropriate software release notes
for additional information on Open Source software programs used by this product.
Declaration of Conformity
Language Declaration of Conformity
български [Bulgarian] С настоящото Calix Inc. Това декларира тази Wireless Broadband Терминал за достъп е в съответствие с Директива 2014/53 / ЕС.
Пълният текст на ЕС декларацията за съответствие е достъпна онлайн от сайта на декларациите на Calix (https://www.calix.com/
hrvatski [Croatian] OOvime Calix Inc. To izjavljuje ovaj bežični širokopojasni pristup terminala u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53 / EU.
Puni tekst izjave o sukladnosti za EU je dostupan online od kaliks web deklaracije (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
English Hereby, Calix Inc. declares that this Broadband wireless Access Terminal is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available online from the Calix Declarations site (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
český [Czech] Tím Calix Inc. Která deklaruje toto Wireless Broadband Access Terminal je v souladu se směrnicí 2014/53 / EU.
Úplné znění EU prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici online na webové stránce prohlášení kalichu (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Deutsch [German] Hiermit Calix Inc. Das erklärt der Wireless Broadband Access Terminal in Übereinstimmung mit der Richtlinie 2014/53 / EU.
Der vollständige Wortlaut der EU-Konformitätserklärung wird online von den Calix Website Erklärungen zur Verfügung (https://www.calix.com/
Eesti [Estonian] Käesolevaga Calix Inc. See kinnitab seda traadita lairibaühenduse Terminal on kooskõlas direktiivi 2014/53 / EL.
Tervikteksti ELi vastavusdeklaratsiooni on saadaval võrgus Calix veebilehel deklaratsioonid (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
español [Spanish] Por la presente, Calix Inc. Que declara esta Terminal de banda ancha de acceso inalámbrico está en conformidad con la Directiva 2014/53 / UE.
El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad de la UE está disponible en línea desde el sitio web Declaraciones de Calix (https://www.
Ελληνική [Greek] Δια του παρόντος, Calix Inc. Αυτό δηλώνει αυτό το Wireless Terminal Ευρυζωνική πρόσβαση είναι σε συμμόρφωση με την οδηγία 2014/53 / ΕΕ.
Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης ΕΕ είναι διαθέσιμα στο διαδίκτυο από την ιστοσελίδα Calix Δηλώσεις (https://www.calix.com/
français [French] Par la présente, Calix Inc. Cet accès qui déclare haut débit sans fi l terminal est conforme à la directive 2014/53 / UE. Le texte intégral de la
déclaration de conformité C’est disponible en ligne à partir des déclarations de site Calix (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Italiano [Italian] Con la presente, Calix Inc. Che dichiara questo terminale di accesso wireless a banda larga è conforme alla Direttiva 2014/53 / UE.
Il testo integrale della dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile online dal sito Dichiarazioni Calix (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Latvijas [Latvian] Ar šo, Calix Inc. Tas paziņo, šis bezvadu platjoslas piekļuves termināls atbilst Direktīvas 2014/53 / ES.
Pilns teksts ES atbilstības deklarācijas ir pieejama tiešsaistē no Calix tīmekļa deklarācijas (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Lietuvos [Lithuanian] Šiuo dokumentu Calix Inc Tai deklaruoja tai bevielės plačiajuostės prieigos terminalas atitinka Direktyvos 2014/53 / ES.
Visą tekstą ES atitikties deklaraciją galima rasti internete nuo CALIX svetainės deklaracijas (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Magyar [Hungarian] Ezáltal Calix Inc. Hogy kijelenti ezt Wireless Broadband Access Terminal irányelvnek megfelelően 2014/53 / EU.
A teljes szöveg az EU-megfelelőségi nyilatkozat elérhető online az Calix honlapján Nyilatkozatok (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
Polski [Polish] Niniejszym, Calix Inc. Deklaruje, że ten Szerokopasmowy dostęp bezprzewodowy terminal jest zgodny z dyrektywą 2014/53 / UE.
Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępna on-line ze strony internetowej calix deklaracji (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
português [Portuguese] Por este meio, Calix Inc. Que declara esta Terminal de Acesso de Banda Larga sem fi os está em conformidade com a Directiva 2014/53 / UE.
O texto completo da declaração UE de conformidade está disponível online a partir de declarações do Web site da Calix (https://www.calix.com/
român[Romanian] Prin prezenta, Calix Inc poate declara que acces de bandă largă fără fi r Terminal este în conformitate cu Directiva 2014/53 / UE.
Textul integral al declarației de conformitate UE este disponibilă online din calix declarațiile site-ul (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
slovenščina[Slovenian] S tem lahko calix Inc. razglasi que širokopasovnega brezžičnega dostopa Terminal je v skladu z Direktivo 2014/53 / EU.
Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo na spletu na spletni strani izjavami calix (https://www.calix.com/declarations).
slovenský [Slovak] Týmto Calix Inc. môže vyhlásiť tento que Broadband Wireless Access Terminal je v súlade so smernicou 2014/53 / EÚ.
Úplné znenie vyhlásenia o zhode EÚ je k dispozícii online na webovej stránke vyhlásenie kalichu (https://www.calix.com/declarations).