„Select the chunk size to be used in RAID
0 set:
A=Auto Confi gure; 0=1k 1=2k 3=8k 4=16k
5=32k 6=64k 7=128k...“
Press the „A“ key (recommended). For the
next message, „Enter the total number of
drives in Striped set:“, enter the number of
hard drives you wish to use for your RAID 0
array. Caution: The total size of your array is
dependent upon the size of the smallest hard
drive used. For example, when you use one
20GB hard drive and two 30GB hard drives,
you get an array with a size of only 60 GB
(the size of the smallest hard drive multiplied
by the number of hard drives used, or 20GB
x 3 = 60GB). Should you have more hard
drives connected to your controller than you
selected above, the message „Enter the fi rst
drive number in Striped set:“ appears. Then
select the fi rst hard drive for your array (e.g.
„0“), then the second (e.g. „1“), and so forth.
You will then get the message „Are you sure
? (Y/N)“. Here you can check again whether
your settings are correct. In this case, press
the „Z“ key (due to the American keyboard
layout, the Z and Y keys are switched around
in the controller BIOS).
o Press F2 to create Mirrored set:
Use this option to create a RAID 1 array
(mirrored). When you press the F2 key, you
get the following message: „Set up Mirrored
set Do you want automatic set up (No copy
operation)? (Y/N)“. If you want the mirroring
to be set automatically (recommended), press
the „Z“ key (due to the American keyboard
layout, the Z and Y keys are switched around
in the controller BIOS). Caution: The hard
drive on which you want to mirror the data
must be either the same size (recommended)
or larger than the hard drive you want to back
up. During operation, the data on the hard
drive to be backed up is automatically copied
to the mirror. This can take several hours. In
order to check this, install the software con-
tained on the CD (double-click on the „Install-
SilCfg“ fi le in the \Utility\ directory and follow
the installation instructions). Click on the plus
sign next to „PCI-680U-0“ and then click on
the plus sign next to „Sets“. Now click on
„Set 0“ and then on „Members“. Here you
see „Mirror0“ and „Mirror1“, next to that the
current status of the mirroring, and possibly
the status of the mirroring in percent. As
soon as 100% has been reached, mirroring is
completed. If a message appears stating that
a „Mirror“ has „dropped“ status, proceed as
described in the „Press F3 to create spare
drive“ paragraph. - Press F3 to create Mir-
rored-Striped set: Use this option to create a
RAID 0+1 array (striped + mirrored).
o Press F3 to create spare drive:
This option allows you to replace a hard
drive, in case a drive has dropped out due to
a defect or other error with a RAID 1 array
(mirroring). Remove the defective hard drive
and install the new replacement hard drive.
When you reboot the computer, an error mes-
sage will appear, prompting you to press the
F3 key to enter the controller BIOS. Press the
F3 key again in the BIOS and select the new
hard drive as spare drive. After rebooting,
the new hard drive is automatically rebuilt.
This can take several hours. In order to check
this, install the software contained on the CD
(double-click on the „InstallSilCfg“ fi le in the
\Utility\ directory and follow the installation
instructions). Click on the plus sign next to
„PCI-680U-0“ and then click on the plus sign
next to „Sets“. Now click on „Set 0“ and then
on „Members“. Here you see „Mirror0“ and
„Mirror1“, next to that the current status of
the mirroring, and possibly the status of the
mirroring in percent. As soon as 100% has
been reached, mirroring is completed.
00049253bda.indd Abs1:14
00049253bda.indd Abs1:14
30.07.2007 10:53:51 Uhr
30.07.2007 10:53:51 Uhr