1. Check to see that the center plate and product table are in place on the slicer and the gauge plate is
completely closed. The holes in the bottom of the center plate fi t over the bottom mounting studs in
the ring guard and the center plate locking knob is at the top of the center plate. The product table
slides completely onto the support arm and is secured with the red product table locking knob.
2. If the slicer is an automatic, then make sure the automatic engage knob on the right side of the table
support arm is pushed in, towards the left.
3. Plug the slicer in. The pilot light, between the start and stop buttons will illuminate.
4. Push the green ON button and the slicer blade will start to turn. Press the red STOP button to stop
the knife.
Automatic Operation
5. If you have an automatic slicer, with the slicer stopped, pull the automatic engage knob fully out on
the right side of the machine. This will put the slicer in the automatic mode.
6. Push the speed selection button to change the speed:
One illuminated LED indicates 20 slicers per minute (slow speed)
Two illuminated LED’s indicates 40 slices per minute (medium speed)
Three illuminated LED’s indicates 60 slices per minute (high speed)
7. Pushing the stroke length selection button changes the length of the stroke. This allows smaller
products to be sliced quicker, without the table moving any faster. Make sure the stroke length is
longer than the width of the product.
One illuminated LED indicates 1/3 of the total possible stroke length
Two illuminated LED’s indicates 2/3 total possible stroke length
Three illuminated LED’s indicates full stroke length
8. Press the green START button and the product table will slowly come to its forward position to fi nd
its home position. Once it gets back to the home position, then it will start to go back and forth at
the preset speed and stroke length.
9. Push the red STOP button and the table will complete its stroke and stop in the home position.
10. As long as the slicer remains in the automatic mode it will remember its home position and always
start right up when the green START button is pushed. It will always start slow and gradually build
up to its full speed. This is the “soft start” feature.
11. Each time you take the slicer out of the automatic mode, and then back into the automatic mode, it
will always fi nd its home position before it starts to run (as indicated in step #8).
12. Each time you activate the slicer into automatic mode, the last speed and stroke length settings will
be remembered until power is disrupted from the slicer (i.e. disconnecting the power cord from
the outlet). Once power is reconnected to the slicer, the default for automatic is slow speed and full
stroke length.