8641078 330 lb Garden Seat V 4.0
• Phillips Screwdriver
• 1/2 in. Wrench or Adjustable Wrench
• Adjustable Slip Jaw Pliers
1. Remove your garden seat parts from their packaging. Make sure you do
this outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, as the wheels will give off a
strong rubber odor for a few days. Check that all parts in the identification
key are included. Washers come attached to their respective bolts. You'll
need to unscrew the nuts from their bolts before you begin.
2. Place the rear axle (D) into the back of the frame (Fig. 1).
3. Insert the steering link connector (G) with
nub side facing up into the front axle
support. Tighten with two 8 x 20 mm bolts,
two 8 mm washers and two 8 mm nuts.
Use your pliers to grip the head of the bolt
as you secure the nut with a wrench (Fig. 1)
4. Slip an axle sleeve (C) onto each end of the
rear axle. Place a washer that was packaged
along with your cotter pins (P), then a
wheel with valve stem facing out (A) onto
each end of the rear axle. Slip another
washer onto each end of the rear axle. Slip
a cotter pin (P) through the hole at the end
of the rear axle. To keep the wheels in place, open the cotter pin and wrap its
ends around the rear axle (Fig. 2).
5. Place a washer (again, one that was packaged along with your cotter pins),
then a wheel (valve stem facing out) onto each end of the front axle. Slip
another washer onto each end of the rear axle. Slip a cotter pin through the
hole at the end of the front axle. To keep the wheels in place, open the
cotter pin and wrap its ends around the front axle. Front axles do not
require axle sleeves (Fig. 2).
6 For technical questions call 1-800-665-8685