Charging the Battery with battery charger
1. Lift UP on the handle on the back of the battery.
2. Lift the battery up and away from the control box.
3. Place the battery on the battery charger. Push the top of
the battery against the mounting bracket until there is an
the audible click.
NOTE: The charge LED will illuminate. When charged,
the LED will stop illuminating.
NOTE: It will take approximately four hours to charge
a battery that requires a full charge.
4. Lift UP on the handle on the back of the battery.
5. Lift the battery up and away from the battery charger.
6. Place the battery on the control unit. Push the top of the
battery against the mounting bracket until there is an audible click
CAUTION: Make sure there is an audible click when mounting battery on the battery
charger. Otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
Fitting the sling
Slings designed for 2- or 4-point spreader bars can be used with this mobile hoist, please refer to
’s sling brochure for details. For sling compatibility, please see Invacare's bulletin PU001.
Copies can be obtained by calling Customer Services on 01656 776222.
Note: The size of the sling and the width of the spreader bar should correspond.
The Invacare
Universal Sling can be used for highly physically dependent patients; however, they
must have a good degree of head control. The sling allows for easy access for personal hygiene and it
is easily applied in both sitting and lying position.
1. Select the sling best suited for the patient in question. Do not attempt to lift any user without
prior professional training. If in doubt ask your Invacare
dealer for advice.
2. Fit the sling to the patient as instructed in the Invacare
sling user's guide. Take great care to
ensure that the sling is fitted correctly, so that the patient is comfortable and safe.
Manoeuvre the hoist, so that the spreader bar can be lowered to the sling loops as close as possible
4. Widen the chassis legs for increased stability.
5. Lower the spreader bar; attach the 4 loops of the sling by sliding the loops into the hooks.
6. If the patient is in a sitting position, lower the spreader bar to patient’s chest, then move the
hoist nearer to the patient. Ensure that brakes are not engaged prior to lifting or lowering.
7. Sitting in chair or wheelchair Lean the client forward ensuring that they are well supported to
reduce risk of falling and to promote feelings of security. Slide sling down behind the back of the
patient in a central position with the aperture apex aligned with the base of the spine. Sit the
patient back on against the sling. Pass the leg support towards the front of the chair to each side
of the thigh and under the thigh.
8. Lying in bed, on floor or in bath Lean the patient forward ensuring that they are well supported
to reduce risk of falling and to promote feelings of security. Slide sling down behind the back of the
patient in a central position with the aperture apex aligned with the base of the spine. Sit the
patient back on against the sling.
Caution! Do not lift or lower a patient with the brakes applied. Always let the hoist find
the correct centre of gravity. Never attempt to lift a patient outside the base area of the
hoist. When lifting a patient from the floor, the patient must always be located between
the two hoist legs, and never outside this area. To avoid injury, utmost care must be taken
when raising and lowering a patient. Never exceed the recommended maximum hoist
weight and never use the hoist in wet areas.
An audible click will be heard
when properly installed