The Ashdown B social has been designed as a high quality Studio/ Home amplification
system with exceptional definition and clarity, this will enable you to make quality recordings
at home as well as in a professional studio. It will accept inputs from Bass Guitars, Acoustic
Guitars, electric Violins, Pianos, Keyboards and Microphones etc. It also features a quality
music player system with cabinet compensation and adjustable tone controls to enable a
balanced sound to be obtained across a variety of sources.
At this point it will be worth understanding the various signal flows through the amplifier and
what has been done to each in terms of compensation etc.
Starting with the instrument inputs, Channel 1 flows through from either the input jack sock-
ets or from the built in wireless receiver. In both cases the raw signal from the instrument is
passed directly to the Left channel of the stereo codec and therefore into the computer at-
tached to the B Social unless you are using the Apptek in which case the effected signal will
be used. Similarly Channel 2 jack input is passed directly to the Right channel of the codec,
once again the signal is in the raw state.
It therefore follows that any controls on the B Social such as Gain and the EQ will not affect
the recorded sound, All level settings etc. will be performed by the software you are
using independent of the B Social.
Any sound you have recorded or are monitoring can be accessed independently via the
return from the codec. In this case the L and R outputs are internally summed and passed
through the Audio channel, the input gains on the instrument channels should be set to Zero
to do this.
The more processing reduces the quality of any Audio signal carried out on it; it is recom-
mended that the highest quality recording will therefore be obtained with a WIRED connec-
tion in preference to the Radio system. When using the B social as an instrument amplifier
you can use either instrument channel or both simultaneously, the mix is obtained by
juggling the Input controls, at the same time it is possible to Jam along with tracks sourced
either from your computer connected via the USB or via another device connected by the
LINE input or by Bluetooth. Using the appropriate leads a CD player may also be connected
via the LINE in.
As before Direct WIRED connections will give the best results with a progressive loss in
quality when using Bluetooth and Downloaded Audio.