times to confirm the command. The Timer’s red light will flash
several times to acknowledge receipt of the wireless signal
[See Figure 17]. During wireless watering, the Timer display
will show the active station being watered (an “A” above the
station number), show remote, and count down the number of
minutes remaining for each station. Note that each station will
be activated, regardless of the programming in the Timer.
• Tostopwirelesswatering,simplypresstheoffbuttononthe
Figure 17: Watering Using Wireless Remote Features
(Notes About Using the Wireless Remote Features)
• Rememberthatthewirelessfeatureshavepriorityover
normal Timer operations. Although the Timer will return to the
automatic program, the time spent during an wireless cycle
will be lost. For this reason, interrupting a currently running
automatic (or semi-automatic or manual) program may cause
some stations of the currently running automatic program not
to water at this time.
• Thewirelesswateringfeaturesdonot“Stack”asdotheTimer
programs. A new wireless command will cancel the currently
running wireless command.
• Aftersustaineduse(approx.oneyear)thehandheld
Transmitter battery will weaken, and the red light will dim.
Replace the battery when the light begins to dim or if the
operating distance begins to lessen.
If the Transmitter and Timer do not respond appropriately,
check power sources. It may also be necessary to program the
Transmitter to the Timer (see Programming the Transmitter
• ThenormaldistanceyourTransmitterwilloperateis200feet
line of sight. The range is reduced when transmitting through
walls, shrubbery, metal siding, etc. For best results hold the
Transmitter above your head or immediately in front of you.
Programming the Transmitter
It may not be necessary to use this procedure for models sold
with a Transmitter included, since the Transmitter and Timer
have already been programmed to work together. However, if you
replace your Transmitter you must code the Transmitter to the
Transmitter will light up for two seconds, and three audible
beeps will be heard. After sustained use (approx. one year) the
battery will weaken, and the red light will dim. Replace the
battery when the light begins to dim or if the operating distance
begins to lessen.
Figure 16: Installing Transmitter Battery
• Totestthewirelesssystem,holdtheTransmitternear
the Timer (the Timer must have the transformer installed)
and press the off/auto resume button on the Transmitter.
If powered correctly, the red light on the face of the Timer
(labeled RF Active) will flash several times, as will the red
light on the Transmitter. NOTE: If the Transmitter and Timer
do not respond accordingly, check power sources. It may also
be necessary to program the Transmitter to the Timer (see
Programming the Transmitter).
Operating the Timer Using the Wireless Features
The wireless feature allows you to perform semi-automatic timed
watering cycles. The normal automatic program of the Timer
and the wireless feature operates independently. However, the
wireless operation has priority over any other Timer program.
(To turn on one station for a specific watering duration using the
wireless Transmitter)
• PressthedesiredstationbuttonontheTransmitter(number1,
2, 3, etc.). The Transmitter will beep once, and the red light will
turn on [See Figure 17].
• Pressthedesiredwateringdurationonbutton(choose2,10,
30, or 60 minute durations). The Transmitter will beep three
times to confirm the command. The Timer’s red light will flash
several times to acknowledge receipt of the wireless signal
[See Figure 17]. During wireless watering, the Timer display
will show the active station being watered (an “A” above the
station number), show remote, and count down the number of
minutes remaining for that station.
• Notethattheonbuttonmustbepressedwithin10secondsof
the desired station button (while the red indicator light is still
lit) or you will need to repeat the steps.
• NOTE: The wireless watering has priority over any other Timer
function (including automatic, semi-automatic, or manual). If the
wireless feature interrupts a functioning automatic program, the
wireless watering will occur, and afterwards the Timer will revert
back to the automatic program. However, any time occurring
during the wireless watering will be lost. The wireless feature will
also override the rain delay, or Timer off modes.
• Tostopwirelesswatering,simplypresstheoff/autoresume
button on the Transmitter.
(To turn on all stations for a specific watering duration using the
wireless Transmitter)
• PresstheallbuttonontheTransmitter.TheTransmitterwill
beep once, and the red light will turn on [See Figure 17].
• Pressthedesiredwateringdurationonbutton(choose2,10,
30, or 60 minute durations). The Transmitter will beep three